import { Button } from 'components/Button' import { FormControl } from 'components/FormControl' import { FormGroup } from 'components/FormGroup' import { AddressList } from 'components/forms/AddressList' import { useAddressListState } from 'components/forms/AddressList.hooks' import { useInputState, useNumberInputState } from 'components/forms/FormInput.hooks' import { InputDateTime } from 'components/InputDateTime' import React, { useState } from 'react' import useCollapse from 'react-collapsed' import { useMutation } from 'react-query' import { NumberInput, TextInput } from './forms/FormInput' export const CollectionInfo = () => { const { getCollapseProps, getToggleProps } = useCollapse() const [timestamp, setTimestamp] = useState() const toggleProps = getToggleProps() const collapseProps = getCollapseProps() const nameState = useInputState({ id: 'name', name: 'name', title: 'Name', subtitle: '', }) const descriptionState = useInputState({ id: 'description', name: 'description', title: 'Description', subtitle: '', }) const imageState = useInputState({ id: 'image', name: 'image', title: 'Image', subtitle: '', }) const externalImageState = useInputState({ id: 'externalImage', name: 'externalImage', title: 'External Image', subtitle: '', }) const numberOfTokensState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'numberoftokens', name: 'numberoftokens', title: 'Number Of Tokens', subtitle: '', placeholder: '100', }) const unitPriceState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'unitPrice', name: 'unitPrice', title: 'Unit Price', subtitle: '', placeholder: '100', }) const perAddressLimitState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'peraddresslimit', name: 'peraddresslimit', title: 'Per Address Limit', subtitle: '', placeholder: '1', }) const royaltyPaymentAddressState = useInputState({ id: 'royalty-payment-address', name: 'royaltyPaymentAddress', title: 'Payment Address', subtitle: 'Address to receive royalties', placeholder: 'stars1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz...', }) const royaltyShareState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'royalty-share', name: 'royaltyShare', title: 'Share Percentage', subtitle: 'Percentage of royalties to be paid', placeholder: '8', }) const [wlstartDate, setwlStartDate] = useState(undefined) const [wlendDate, setwlEndDate] = useState(undefined) const wladdressListState = useAddressListState() const wlunitPriceState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'unit-price', name: 'unitPrice', title: 'Unit Price', subtitle: 'Price of each tokens in collection', placeholder: '500', }) const wlmemberLimitState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'member-limit', name: 'memberLimit', title: 'Member Limit', subtitle: 'Limit of the whitelisted members', placeholder: '1000', }) const wlperAddressLimitState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'per-address-limit', name: 'perAddressLimit', title: 'Per Address Limit', subtitle: 'Limit of tokens per address', placeholder: '5', }) const { isLoading, mutate } = useMutation( (event: FormEvent) => { //event.preventDefault() }, { onError: (error) => { //toast.error(String(error)) }, }, ) return (
setTimestamp(date)} value={timestamp} />
setwlStartDate(date)} value={wlstartDate} /> setwlEndDate(date)} value={wlendDate} />
) }