/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ import { coin } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing' import Anchor from 'components/Anchor' import Button from 'components/Button' import { CollectionDetails, MintingDetails, RoyaltyDetails, UploadDetails, WhitelistDetails, } from 'components/collections/creation' import type { CollectionDetailsDataProps } from 'components/collections/creation/CollectionDetails' import type { MintingDetailsDataProps } from 'components/collections/creation/MintingDetails' import type { RoyaltyDetailsDataProps } from 'components/collections/creation/RoyaltyDetails' import type { UploadDetailsDataProps } from 'components/collections/creation/UploadDetails' import type { WhitelistDetailsDataProps } from 'components/collections/creation/WhitelistDetails' import { useContracts } from 'contexts/contracts' import { useWallet } from 'contexts/wallet' import type { NextPage } from 'next' import { NextSeo } from 'next-seo' import { useState } from 'react' import useCollapse from 'react-collapsed' import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast' import type { UploadServiceType } from 'services/upload' import { upload } from 'services/upload' import { MINTER_CODE_ID, SG721_CODE_ID, WHITELIST_CODE_ID } from 'utils/constants' import { withMetadata } from 'utils/layout' import { links } from 'utils/links' const CollectionCreationPage: NextPage = () => { const wallet = useWallet() const { minter: minterContract, whitelist: whitelistContract } = useContracts() const { getCollapseProps, getToggleProps, isExpanded } = useCollapse() const toggleProps = getToggleProps() const collapseProps = getCollapseProps() const [uploadDetails, setUploadDetails] = useState(null) const [collectionDetails, setCollectionDetails] = useState(null) const [mintingDetails, setMintingDetails] = useState(null) const [whitelistDetails, setWhitelistDetails] = useState(null) const [royaltyDetails, setRoyaltyDetails] = useState(null) const [contractAddress, setContractAddress] = useState(null) const [transactionHash, setTransactionHash] = useState(null) const createCollection = async () => { try { checkUploadDetails() checkCollectionDetails() checkMintingDetails() checkWhitelistDetails() checkRoyaltyDetails() const baseUri = await uploadFiles() const coverImageUri = await upload( collectionDetails?.imageFile as File[], uploadDetails?.uploadService as UploadServiceType, 'cover', uploadDetails?.nftStorageApiKey as string, uploadDetails?.pinataApiKey as string, uploadDetails?.pinataSecretKey as string, ) const whitelist = whitelistDetails?.isContractAddress ? whitelistDetails.contractAddress : await instantiateWhitelist() await instantate(baseUri, coverImageUri, whitelist) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error: any) { toast.error(error.message) } } const instantiateWhitelist = async () => { if (!wallet.initialized) throw new Error('Wallet not connected') if (!whitelistContract) throw new Error('Contract not found') const msg = { members: whitelistDetails?.members, start_time: whitelistDetails?.startTime, end_time: whitelistDetails?.endTime, unit_price: coin(String(Number(whitelistDetails?.unitPrice) * 1000000), 'ustars'), per_address_limit: whitelistDetails?.perAddressLimit, member_limit: whitelistDetails?.memberLimit, } const data = await whitelistContract.instantiate( WHITELIST_CODE_ID, msg, 'Stargaze Whitelist Contract', wallet.address, ) return data.contractAddress } const instantate = async (baseUri: string, coverImageUri: string, whitelist?: string) => { if (!wallet.initialized) throw new Error('Wallet not connected') if (!minterContract) throw new Error('Contract not found') let royaltyInfo = null if (royaltyDetails?.paymentAddress && royaltyDetails.share) { royaltyInfo = { paymentAddress: royaltyDetails.paymentAddress, share: royaltyDetails.share, } } const msg = { base_token_uri: baseUri, num_tokens: mintingDetails?.numTokens, sg721_code_id: SG721_CODE_ID, sg721_instantiate_msg: { name: collectionDetails?.name, symbol: 'SYMBOL', minter: wallet.address, collection_info: { creator: wallet.address, description: collectionDetails?.description, image: coverImageUri, external_link: collectionDetails?.externalLink, royalty_info: royaltyInfo, }, }, per_address_limit: mintingDetails?.perAddressLimit, unit_price: coin(String(Number(mintingDetails?.unitPrice) * 1000000), 'ustars'), whitelist_address: whitelist, start_time: mintingDetails?.startTime, } const data = await minterContract.instantiate(MINTER_CODE_ID, msg, 'Stargaze Minter Contract', wallet.address) setTransactionHash(data.transactionHash) setContractAddress(data.contractAddress) } const uploadFiles = async (): Promise => { if (!uploadDetails) throw new Error('Please upload asset and metadata') return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { upload( uploadDetails.assetFiles, uploadDetails.uploadService, 'assets', uploadDetails.nftStorageApiKey as string, uploadDetails.pinataApiKey as string, uploadDetails.pinataSecretKey as string, ) .then((assetUri: string) => { const fileArray: File[] = [] let reader: FileReader for (let i = 0; i < uploadDetails.metadataFiles.length; i++) { reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = (e) => { const data: any = JSON.parse(e.target?.result as string) data.image = `ipfs://${assetUri}/${uploadDetails.assetFiles[i].name}` const metadataFileBlob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], { type: 'application/json', }) const updatedMetadataFile = new File([metadataFileBlob], uploadDetails.metadataFiles[i].name, { type: 'application/json', }) fileArray.push(updatedMetadataFile) } reader.onloadend = () => { if (i === uploadDetails.metadataFiles.length - 1) { upload( fileArray, uploadDetails.uploadService, 'metadata', uploadDetails.nftStorageApiKey as string, uploadDetails.pinataApiKey as string, uploadDetails.pinataSecretKey as string, ) .then(resolve) .catch(reject) } } reader.readAsText(uploadDetails.metadataFiles[i], 'utf8') } }) .catch(reject) }) } const checkUploadDetails = () => { if (!uploadDetails) { throw new Error('Please upload asset and metadata') } if (uploadDetails.assetFiles.length === 0) { throw new Error('Please upload assets') } if (uploadDetails.metadataFiles.length === 0) { throw new Error('Please upload metadatas') } if (uploadDetails.uploadService === 'nft-storage') { if (uploadDetails.nftStorageApiKey === '') { throw new Error('Please enter NFT Storage api key') } } else if (uploadDetails.pinataApiKey === '' || uploadDetails.pinataSecretKey === '') { throw new Error('Please enter Pinata api key and secret key') } } const checkCollectionDetails = () => { if (!collectionDetails) throw new Error('Please fill out the collection details') if (collectionDetails.name === '') throw new Error('Name is required') if (collectionDetails.description === '') throw new Error('Description is required') if (collectionDetails.imageFile.length === 0) throw new Error('Cover image is required') } const checkMintingDetails = () => { if (!mintingDetails) throw new Error('Please fill out the minting details') if (mintingDetails.numTokens < 1 || mintingDetails.numTokens > 10000) throw new Error('Invalid number of tokens') if (Number(mintingDetails.unitPrice) < 500) throw new Error('Invalid unit price') if (mintingDetails.perAddressLimit < 1 || mintingDetails.perAddressLimit > 50) throw new Error('Per address limit is required') if (mintingDetails.startTime === '') throw new Error('Start time is required') } const checkWhitelistDetails = () => { if (!whitelistDetails) throw new Error('Please fill out the whitelist details') if (whitelistDetails.isContractAddress) { if (whitelistDetails.contractAddress === '') throw new Error('Contract address is required') } else { if (whitelistDetails.members?.length === 0) throw new Error('Whitelist member list cannot be empty') if (whitelistDetails.unitPrice === '') throw new Error('Whitelist unit price is required') if (whitelistDetails.startTime === '') throw new Error('Start time is required') if (whitelistDetails.endTime === '') throw new Error('End time is required') if (whitelistDetails.perAddressLimit === 0) throw new Error('Per address limit is required') if (whitelistDetails.memberLimit === 0) throw new Error('Member limit is required') } } const checkRoyaltyDetails = () => { if (!royaltyDetails) throw new Error('Please fill out the royalty details') if (royaltyDetails.share === 0) throw new Error('Royalty share is required') if (royaltyDetails.paymentAddress === '') throw new Error('Royalty payment address is required') } return (

Create Collection

Make sure you check our{' '} documentation {' '} on how to create your collection

) } export default withMetadata(CollectionCreationPage, { center: false })