import clsx from 'clsx' import { Button } from 'components/Button' import { Conditional } from 'components/Conditional' import { ContractPageHeader } from 'components/ContractPageHeader' import { ExecuteCombobox } from 'components/contracts/royaltyRegistry/ExecuteCombobox' import { useExecuteComboboxState } from 'components/contracts/royaltyRegistry/ExecuteCombobox.hooks' import { FormControl } from 'components/FormControl' import { AddressInput, NumberInput } from 'components/forms/FormInput' import { useInputState, useNumberInputState } from 'components/forms/FormInput.hooks' import { JsonPreview } from 'components/JsonPreview' import { LinkTabs } from 'components/LinkTabs' import { royaltyRegistryLinkTabs } from 'components/' import { TransactionHash } from 'components/TransactionHash' import { useContracts } from 'contexts/contracts' import type { DispatchExecuteArgs } from 'contracts/royaltyRegistry/messages/execute' import { dispatchExecute, isEitherType, previewExecutePayload } from 'contracts/royaltyRegistry/messages/execute' import type { NextPage } from 'next' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { NextSeo } from 'next-seo' import type { FormEvent } from 'react' import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast' import { FaArrowRight } from 'react-icons/fa' import { useMutation } from 'react-query' import { INFINITY_SWAP_PROTOCOL_ADDRESS, ROYALTY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS } from 'utils/constants' import { withMetadata } from 'utils/layout' import { links } from 'utils/links' import { useWallet } from 'utils/wallet' export const protocolList = [{ name: 'Infinity Swap', address: INFINITY_SWAP_PROTOCOL_ADDRESS }] const RoyaltyRegistryExecutePage: NextPage = () => { const { royaltyRegistry: contract } = useContracts() const wallet = useWallet() const [lastTx, setLastTx] = useState('') const [manualProtocolInput, setManualProtocolInput] = useState(false) const comboboxState = useExecuteComboboxState() const type = comboboxState.value?.id const contractState = useInputState({ id: 'contract-address', name: 'contract-address', title: 'Royalty Registry Address', subtitle: 'Address of the Royalty Registry contract', defaultValue: ROYALTY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS, }) const contractAddress = contractState.value const collectionAddressState = useInputState({ id: 'collection-address', name: 'collection-address', title: 'Collection Address', subtitle: 'Address of the collection', }) const collectionAddress = collectionAddressState.value const protocolAddressState = useInputState({ id: 'protocol-address', name: 'protocol-address', title: 'Protocol Address', subtitle: 'Address of the protocol', defaultValue: INFINITY_SWAP_PROTOCOL_ADDRESS, }) const recipientAddressState = useInputState({ id: 'recipient-address', name: 'recipient-address', title: 'Recipient Address', subtitle: 'Address of the recipient', }) const shareState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'share', name: 'share', title: 'Share', subtitle: 'Share percentage', placeholder: '4%', }) const shareDeltaState = useNumberInputState({ id: 'share-delta', name: 'share-delta', title: 'Share Delta', subtitle: 'The change of share percentage', placeholder: '1%', }) const [decrement, setDecrement] = useState(false) const showRecipientAddress = isEitherType(type, [ 'set_collection_royalty_default', 'set_collection_royalty_protocol', 'update_collection_royalty_default', 'update_collection_royalty_protocol', ]) const messages = useMemo(() => contract?.use(contractState.value), [contract, contractState.value]) const payload: DispatchExecuteArgs = { contract: contractState.value, messages, type, collection: collectionAddressState.value, protocol: protocolAddressState.value, recipient: recipientAddressState.value, share: shareState.value, shareDelta: shareDeltaState.value, decrement, } const { isLoading, mutate } = useMutation( async (event: FormEvent) => { event.preventDefault() if (!type) { throw new Error('Please select message type!') } if (!wallet.isWalletConnected) { throw new Error('Please connect your wallet.') } const txHash = await toast.promise(dispatchExecute(payload), { error: `${type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.slice(1)} execute failed!`, loading: 'Executing message...', success: (tx) => `Transaction ${tx} success!`, }) if (txHash) { setLastTx(txHash) } }, { onError: (error) => { toast.error(String(error), { style: { maxWidth: 'none' } }) }, }, ) const router = useRouter() useEffect(() => { if (collectionAddress.length > 0) { void router.replace({ query: { collectionAddress } }) } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [collectionAddress]) useEffect(() => { const initial = new URL(document.URL).searchParams.get('collectionAddress') if (initial && initial.length > 0) collectionAddressState.onChange(initial) }, []) return (
Selected Protocol
) } export default withMetadata(RoyaltyRegistryExecutePage, { center: false })