/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ import type { MsgExecuteContractEncodeObject, SigningCosmWasmClient } from '@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate' import { toUtf8 } from '@cosmjs/encoding' import type { Coin } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing' import { coin } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing' import type { logs } from '@cosmjs/stargate' import type { Timestamp } from '@stargazezone/types/contracts/minter/shared-types' import { MsgExecuteContract } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/tx' import toast from 'react-hot-toast' export interface InstantiateResponse { readonly contractAddress: string readonly transactionHash: string readonly logs: readonly logs.Log[] } export interface MigrateResponse { readonly transactionHash: string readonly logs: readonly logs.Log[] } export interface RoyaltyInfo { payment_address: string share: string } export interface OpenEditionMinterInstance { readonly contractAddress: string //Query getConfig: () => Promise getStartTime: () => Promise getEndTime: () => Promise getMintPrice: () => Promise getMintCount: (address: string) => Promise getTotalMintCount: () => Promise getStatus: () => Promise //Execute mint: (senderAddress: string) => Promise purge: (senderAddress: string) => Promise updateMintPrice: (senderAddress: string, price: string) => Promise updateStartTime: (senderAddress: string, time: Timestamp) => Promise updateEndTime: (senderAddress: string, time: Timestamp) => Promise updateStartTradingTime: (senderAddress: string, time?: Timestamp) => Promise updatePerAddressLimit: (senderAddress: string, perAddressLimit: number) => Promise mintTo: (senderAddress: string, recipient: string) => Promise batchMint: (senderAddress: string, recipient: string, batchNumber: number) => Promise airdrop: (senderAddress: string, recipients: string[]) => Promise } export interface OpenEditionMinterMessages { mint: () => MintMessage purge: () => PurgeMessage updateMintPrice: (price: string) => UpdateMintPriceMessage updateStartTime: (time: Timestamp) => UpdateStartTimeMessage updateEndTime: (time: Timestamp) => UpdateEndTimeMessage updateStartTradingTime: (time: Timestamp) => UpdateStartTradingTimeMessage updatePerAddressLimit: (perAddressLimit: number) => UpdatePerAddressLimitMessage mintTo: (recipient: string) => MintToMessage batchMint: (recipient: string, batchNumber: number) => CustomMessage airdrop: (recipients: string[]) => CustomMessage } export interface MintMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { mint: Record } funds: Coin[] } export interface PurgeMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { purge: Record } funds: Coin[] } export interface UpdateStartTradingTimeMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { update_start_trading_time: string } funds: Coin[] } export interface UpdateStartTimeMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { update_start_time: string } funds: Coin[] } export interface UpdateEndTimeMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { update_end_time: string } funds: Coin[] } export interface UpdateMintPriceMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { update_mint_price: { price: string } } funds: Coin[] } export interface UpdatePerAddressLimitMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { update_per_address_limit: { per_address_limit: number } } funds: Coin[] } export interface MintToMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: { mint_to: { recipient: string } } funds: Coin[] } export interface CustomMessage { sender: string contract: string msg: Record[] funds: Coin[] } export interface MintPriceMessage { public_price: { denom: string amount: string } airdrop_price: { denom: string amount: string } current_price: { denom: string amount: string } } export interface OpenEditionMinterContract { instantiate: ( senderAddress: string, codeId: number, initMsg: Record, label: string, admin?: string, funds?: Coin[], ) => Promise migrate: ( senderAddress: string, contractAddress: string, codeId: number, migrateMsg: Record, ) => Promise use: (contractAddress: string) => OpenEditionMinterInstance messages: (contractAddress: string) => OpenEditionMinterMessages } export const openEditionMinter = (client: SigningCosmWasmClient, txSigner: string): OpenEditionMinterContract => { const use = (contractAddress: string): OpenEditionMinterInstance => { //Query const getFactoryParameters = async (factoryAddress: string): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(factoryAddress, { params: {} }) return res } const getConfig = async (): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { config: {}, }) return res } const getStartTime = async (): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { start_time: {}, }) return res } const getEndTime = async (): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { end_time: {}, }) return res } const getMintPrice = async (): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { mint_price: {}, }) return res } const getMintCount = async (address: string): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { mint_count: { address }, }) return res } const getTotalMintCount = async (): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { total_mint_count: {}, }) return res } const getStatus = async (): Promise => { const res = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { status: {}, }) return res } //Execute const mint = async (senderAddress: string): Promise => { const price = (await getMintPrice()).public_price.amount const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { mint: {}, }, 'auto', '', [coin(price, 'ustars')], ) return res.transactionHash } const purge = async (senderAddress: string): Promise => { const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { purge: {}, }, 'auto', '', ) return res.transactionHash } const updateStartTradingTime = async (senderAddress: string, time?: Timestamp): Promise => { const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { update_start_trading_time: time || null, }, 'auto', '', ) return res.transactionHash } const updateStartTime = async (senderAddress: string, time: Timestamp): Promise => { const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { update_start_time: time, }, 'auto', '', ) return res.transactionHash } const updateEndTime = async (senderAddress: string, time: Timestamp): Promise => { const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { update_end_time: time, }, 'auto', '', ) return res.transactionHash } const updateMintPrice = async (senderAddress: string, price: string): Promise => { const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { update_mint_price: { price: (Number(price) * 1000000).toString(), }, }, 'auto', '', ) return res.transactionHash } const updatePerAddressLimit = async (senderAddress: string, perAddressLimit: number): Promise => { const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { update_per_address_limit: { per_address_limit: perAddressLimit }, }, 'auto', '', ) return res.transactionHash } const mintTo = async (senderAddress: string, recipient: string): Promise => { const txHash = await getConfig().then(async (response) => { const factoryParameters = await toast.promise(getFactoryParameters(response.factory), { loading: 'Querying Factory Parameters...', error: 'Querying Factory Parameters failed!', success: 'Query successful! Minting...', }) console.log(factoryParameters?.params?.extension?.airdrop_mint_fee_bps) const price = factoryParameters?.params?.extension?.airdrop_mint_price.amount const denom = factoryParameters?.params?.extension?.airdrop_mint_price.denom || 'ustars' if (!price) { throw new Error( 'Unable to retrieve a valid airdrop mint price. It may be that the given contract address does not belong to an Open Edition Factory.', ) } const airdropFee = Number(price) * Number(factoryParameters.params.extension?.airdrop_mint_fee_bps) const res = await client.execute( senderAddress, contractAddress, { mint_to: { recipient }, }, 'auto', '', airdropFee > 0 ? [coin(airdropFee / 100 / 100, denom as string)] : [], ) return res.transactionHash }) return txHash } const batchMint = async (senderAddress: string, recipient: string, batchNumber: number): Promise => { const txHash = await getConfig().then(async (response) => { const factoryParameters = await toast.promise(getFactoryParameters(response?.factory), { loading: 'Querying Factory Parameters...', error: 'Querying Factory Parameters failed!', success: 'Query successful! Minting...', }) const price = factoryParameters?.params?.extension?.airdrop_mint_price.amount const denom = factoryParameters?.params?.extension?.airdrop_mint_price.denom || 'ustars' if (!price) { throw new Error( 'Unable to retrieve a valid airdrop mint price. It may be that the given contract address does not belong to a Open Edition Factory.', ) } const airdropFee = Number(price) * Number(factoryParameters.params.extension?.airdrop_mint_fee_bps) const executeContractMsgs: MsgExecuteContractEncodeObject[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < batchNumber; i++) { const msg = { mint_to: { recipient }, } const executeContractMsg: MsgExecuteContractEncodeObject = { typeUrl: '/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract', value: MsgExecuteContract.fromPartial({ sender: senderAddress, contract: contractAddress, msg: toUtf8(JSON.stringify(msg)), funds: airdropFee > 0 ? [coin(airdropFee / 100 / 100, denom as string)] : [], }), } executeContractMsgs.push(executeContractMsg) } const res = await client.signAndBroadcast(senderAddress, executeContractMsgs, 'auto', 'batch mint') return res.transactionHash }) return txHash } const airdrop = async (senderAddress: string, recipients: string[]): Promise => { const txHash = await getConfig().then(async (response) => { const factoryParameters = await toast.promise(getFactoryParameters(response?.factory), { loading: 'Querying Factory Parameters...', error: 'Querying Factory Parameters failed!', success: 'Query successful! Minting...', }) const price = factoryParameters?.params?.extension?.airdrop_mint_price.amount const denom = factoryParameters?.params?.extension?.airdrop_mint_price.denom || 'ustars' if (!price) { throw new Error( 'Unable to retrieve a valid airdrop mint price. It may be that the given contract address does not belong to a Open Edition Factory.', ) } const airdropFee = Number(price) * Number(factoryParameters.params.extension?.airdrop_mint_fee_bps) const executeContractMsgs: MsgExecuteContractEncodeObject[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { const msg = { mint_to: { recipient: recipients[i] }, } const executeContractMsg: MsgExecuteContractEncodeObject = { typeUrl: '/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract', value: MsgExecuteContract.fromPartial({ sender: senderAddress, contract: contractAddress, msg: toUtf8(JSON.stringify(msg)), funds: airdropFee > 0 ? [coin(airdropFee / 100 / 100, denom as string)] : [], }), } executeContractMsgs.push(executeContractMsg) } const res = await client.signAndBroadcast(senderAddress, executeContractMsgs, 'auto', 'airdrop') return res.transactionHash }) return txHash } return { contractAddress, getConfig, getStartTime, getEndTime, getMintPrice, getMintCount, getTotalMintCount, getStatus, mint, purge, updateStartTradingTime, updateStartTime, updateEndTime, updateMintPrice, updatePerAddressLimit, mintTo, batchMint, airdrop, } } const migrate = async ( senderAddress: string, contractAddress: string, codeId: number, migrateMsg: Record, ): Promise => { const result = await client.migrate(senderAddress, contractAddress, codeId, migrateMsg, 'auto') return { transactionHash: result.transactionHash, logs: result.logs, } } const instantiate = async ( senderAddress: string, codeId: number, initMsg: Record, label: string, ): Promise => { const result = await client.instantiate(senderAddress, codeId, initMsg, label, 'auto', { funds: [coin('1000000000', 'ustars')], }) return { contractAddress: result.contractAddress, transactionHash: result.transactionHash, logs: result.logs, } } const messages = (contractAddress: string) => { const mint = (): MintMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { mint: {}, }, funds: [], } } const purge = (): PurgeMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { purge: {}, }, funds: [], } } const updateStartTradingTime = (startTime: string): UpdateStartTradingTimeMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { update_start_trading_time: startTime, }, funds: [], } } const updateStartTime = (startTime: string): UpdateStartTimeMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { update_start_time: startTime, }, funds: [], } } const updateEndTime = (endTime: string): UpdateEndTimeMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { update_end_time: endTime, }, funds: [], } } const updateMintPrice = (price: string): UpdateMintPriceMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { update_mint_price: { price: (Number(price) * 1000000).toString(), }, }, funds: [], } } const updatePerAddressLimit = (limit: number): UpdatePerAddressLimitMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { update_per_address_limit: { per_address_limit: limit, }, }, funds: [], } } const mintTo = (recipient: string): MintToMessage => { return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg: { mint_to: { recipient, }, }, funds: [], } } const batchMint = (recipient: string, batchNumber: number): CustomMessage => { const msg: Record[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < batchNumber; i++) { msg.push({ mint_to: { recipient } }) } return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg, funds: [], } } const airdrop = (recipients: string[]): CustomMessage => { const msg: Record[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < recipients.length; i++) { msg.push({ mint_to: { recipient: recipients[i] } }) } return { sender: txSigner, contract: contractAddress, msg, funds: [], } } return { mint, purge, updateStartTradingTime, updateStartTime, updateEndTime, updateMintPrice, updatePerAddressLimit, mintTo, batchMint, airdrop, } } return { use, instantiate, migrate, messages } }