import { toUtf8 } from '@cosmjs/encoding' import type { ChainContext } from '@cosmos-kit/core' import toast from 'react-hot-toast' import { SG721_NAME_ADDRESS } from './constants' import { isValidAddress } from './isValidAddress' export const resolveAddress = async (name: string, wallet: ChainContext): Promise<string> => { if (!name.trim().endsWith('.stars')) return name.trim() if (wallet.isWalletConnected) { const tokenUri = await ( await wallet.getCosmWasmClient() ) .queryContractRaw( SG721_NAME_ADDRESS, toUtf8( Buffer.from( `0006${Buffer.from('tokens').toString('hex')}${Buffer.from( name.trim().substring(0, name.trim().lastIndexOf('.')), ).toString('hex')}`, 'hex', ).toString(), ), ) .then((res) => { const parsedTokenUri = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(res as Uint8Array)).token_uri console.log(parsedTokenUri) if (parsedTokenUri && isValidAddress(parsedTokenUri)) return parsedTokenUri as string toast.error(`Resolved address is empty or invalid for the name: ${name.trim()}`) return name }) .catch((e) => { console.log(e) toast.error(`Error resolving address for the name: ${name.trim()}`) return name }) return tokenUri } toast.error('Wallet is not connected. Unable to resolve address.') return name }