import type { MinterInstance } from 'contracts/minter' import { useMinterContract } from 'contracts/minter' import type { SG721Instance } from 'contracts/sg721' import { useSG721Contract } from 'contracts/sg721' export type ActionType = typeof ACTION_TYPES[number] export const ACTION_TYPES = [ 'mint', 'purge', 'update_mint_price', 'mint_to', 'mint_for', 'batch_mint', 'set_whitelist', 'update_start_time', 'update_start_trading_time', 'update_per_address_limit', 'withdraw', 'transfer', 'batch_transfer', 'burn', 'batch_burn', 'shuffle', 'airdrop', 'burn_remaining', ] as const export interface ActionListItem { id: ActionType name: string description?: string } export const ACTION_LIST: ActionListItem[] = [ { id: 'mint', name: 'Mint', description: `Mint a token`, }, { id: 'purge', name: 'Purge', description: `Purge`, }, { id: 'update_mint_price', name: 'Update Mint Price', description: `Update mint price`, }, { id: 'mint_to', name: 'Mint To', description: `Mint a token to a user`, }, { id: 'mint_for', name: 'Mint For', description: `Mint a token for a user with given token ID`, }, { id: 'batch_mint', name: 'Batch Mint', description: `Mint multiple tokens to a user with given token amount`, }, { id: 'set_whitelist', name: 'Set Whitelist', description: `Set whitelist contract address`, }, { id: 'update_start_time', name: 'Update Minting Start Time', description: `Update start time for minting`, }, { id: 'update_start_trading_time', name: 'Update Trading Start Time', description: `Update start time for trading`, }, { id: 'update_per_address_limit', name: 'Update Tokens Per Address Limit', description: `Update token per address limit`, }, { id: 'withdraw', name: 'Withdraw Tokens', description: `Withdraw tokens from the contract`, }, { id: 'transfer', name: 'Transfer Tokens', description: `Transfer tokens from one address to another`, }, { id: 'batch_transfer', name: 'Batch Transfer Tokens', description: `Transfer a list of tokens to a recipient`, }, { id: 'burn', name: 'Burn Token', description: `Burn a specified token from the collection`, }, { id: 'batch_burn', name: 'Batch Burn Tokens', description: `Burn a list of tokens from the collection`, }, { id: 'shuffle', name: 'Shuffle Tokens', description: 'Shuffle the token IDs', }, { id: 'airdrop', name: 'Airdrop Tokens', description: 'Airdrop tokens to given addresses', }, { id: 'burn_remaining', name: 'Burn Remaining Tokens', description: 'Burn remaining tokens', }, ] export interface DispatchExecuteProps { type: ActionType [k: string]: unknown } type Select = T /** @see {@link MinterInstance} */ export type DispatchExecuteArgs = { minterContract: string sg721Contract: string minterMessages?: MinterInstance sg721Messages?: SG721Instance txSigner: string } & ( | { type: undefined } | { type: Select<'mint'> } | { type: Select<'purge'> } | { type: Select<'update_mint_price'>; price: string } | { type: Select<'mint_to'>; recipient: string } | { type: Select<'mint_for'>; recipient: string; tokenId: number } | { type: Select<'batch_mint'>; recipient: string; batchNumber: number } | { type: Select<'set_whitelist'>; whitelist: string } | { type: Select<'update_start_time'>; startTime: string } | { type: Select<'update_start_trading_time'>; startTime: string } | { type: Select<'update_per_address_limit'>; limit: number } | { type: Select<'shuffle'> } | { type: Select<'withdraw'> } | { type: Select<'transfer'>; recipient: string; tokenId: number } | { type: Select<'batch_transfer'>; recipient: string; tokenIds: string } | { type: Select<'burn'>; tokenId: number } | { type: Select<'batch_burn'>; tokenIds: string } | { type: Select<'airdrop'>; recipients: string[] } | { type: Select<'burn_remaining'> } ) export const dispatchExecute = async (args: DispatchExecuteArgs) => { const { minterMessages, sg721Messages, txSigner } = args if (!minterMessages || !sg721Messages) { throw new Error('Cannot execute actions') } switch (args.type) { case 'mint': { return } case 'purge': { return minterMessages.purge(txSigner) } case 'update_mint_price': { return minterMessages.updateMintPrice(txSigner, args.price) } case 'mint_to': { return minterMessages.mintTo(txSigner, args.recipient) } case 'mint_for': { return minterMessages.mintFor(txSigner, args.recipient, args.tokenId) } case 'batch_mint': { return minterMessages.batchMint(txSigner, args.recipient, args.batchNumber) } case 'set_whitelist': { return minterMessages.setWhitelist(txSigner, args.whitelist) } case 'update_start_time': { return minterMessages.updateStartTime(txSigner, args.startTime) } case 'update_start_trading_time': { return minterMessages.updateStartTradingTime(txSigner, args.startTime) } case 'update_per_address_limit': { return minterMessages.updatePerAddressLimit(txSigner, args.limit) } case 'shuffle': { return minterMessages.shuffle(txSigner) } case 'withdraw': { return minterMessages.withdraw(txSigner) } case 'transfer': { return sg721Messages.transferNft(args.recipient, args.tokenId.toString()) } case 'batch_transfer': { return sg721Messages.batchTransfer(args.recipient, args.tokenIds) } case 'burn': { return sg721Messages.burn(args.tokenId.toString()) } case 'batch_burn': { return sg721Messages.batchBurn(args.tokenIds) } case 'airdrop': { return minterMessages.airdrop(txSigner, args.recipients) } case 'burn_remaining': { return minterMessages.burnRemaining(txSigner) } default: { throw new Error('Unknown action') } } } export const previewExecutePayload = (args: DispatchExecuteArgs) => { // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const { messages: minterMessages } = useMinterContract() // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const { messages: sg721Messages } = useSG721Contract() const { minterContract, sg721Contract } = args switch (args.type) { case 'mint': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.mint() } case 'purge': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.purge() } case 'update_mint_price': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.updateMintPrice(args.price) } case 'mint_to': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.mintTo(args.recipient) } case 'mint_for': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.mintFor(args.recipient, args.tokenId) } case 'batch_mint': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.batchMint(args.recipient, args.batchNumber) } case 'set_whitelist': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.setWhitelist(args.whitelist) } case 'update_start_time': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.updateStartTime(args.startTime) } case 'update_start_trading_time': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.updateStartTradingTime(args.startTime) } case 'update_per_address_limit': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.updatePerAddressLimit(args.limit) } case 'shuffle': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.shuffle() } case 'withdraw': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.withdraw() } case 'transfer': { return sg721Messages(sg721Contract)?.transferNft(args.recipient, args.tokenId.toString()) } case 'batch_transfer': { return sg721Messages(sg721Contract)?.batchTransfer(args.recipient, args.tokenIds) } case 'burn': { return sg721Messages(sg721Contract)?.burn(args.tokenId.toString()) } case 'batch_burn': { return sg721Messages(sg721Contract)?.batchBurn(args.tokenIds) } case 'airdrop': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.airdrop(args.recipients) } case 'burn_remaining': { return minterMessages(minterContract)?.burnRemaining() } default: { return {} } } } export const isEitherType = (type: unknown, arr: T[]): type is T => { return arr.some((val) => type === val) }