Serkan Reis
Fixes and improvements ( #28 )
* Update collection creation error messages
* Update minimum unit price
* Update .env.example
* Fix double ustars conversion for whitelist & minter unit_price
* Add minimum unit price for whitelisted addresses
* Fix: Invalid baseTokenURI error during collection instantiation
* Collection cover image URI update
* Minimum unit price update - 2
* Fix: nonfunctional existing whitelist option
* Check matching asset and metadata file arrays before creating a collection
* Mark minting detail inputs as required
* Fix: collection creation with the specified royalty preference
* Fix: whitelistType change problem
* Fix creation logic
* Automate number of tokens input & check per address limit
* Automate number of tokens input & check per address limit - 2
* Metadata files should have .json extensions
* Check royalty percentage
* Upload service related changes now trigger state updates
Co-authored-by: findolor <>
2022-08-09 14:42:55 +03:00
Serkan Reis
Use "animation_url" in the uploaded metadata for storing media file URIs ( #27 )
* Remove image and animation_url from metadata modal
* Use animation_url for storing audio and video asset URIs
* Use image and animation_url keys together for audio/video assets
* Delete empty metadata keys
* Post-review update
2022-08-09 12:08:10 +03:00
Serkan Reis
Fix merge conflicts
2022-08-05 14:24:19 +03:00
Serkan Reis
Merge branch 'main' into fix-video-preview-flicker
2022-08-05 14:17:02 +03:00
Arda Nakışçı
Collection creation page styling ( #26 )
* Refactor whitelist component and add new state
* Implement existing whitelist component
* Refactor other pages for styling
2022-08-05 14:13:27 +03:00
Serkan Reis
Center audio and video previews on asset grid cells
2022-08-05 12:04:50 +03:00
Serkan Reis
fix preview flicker on asset grid
2022-08-05 11:44:47 +03:00
Serkan Reis
Metadata modal update ( #22 )
* Add animation_url and youtube_url to metadata modal
* Reset asset and metadata list on upload method change
* Allow the user to add attributes even though the metadata file is missing them
* Add missing attribute check
Co-authored-by: findolor <>
2022-08-04 14:22:13 +03:00
Arda Nakışçı
Upload details component styling ( #23 )
* Add styling to upload details
* Refactor image preview
2022-08-04 14:19:25 +03:00
Arda Nakışçı
Refactoring collection creation logic ( #20 )
* Split collection info component
* Fix texts
* Refactor components
* Create upload details component
* Add on change method to collection details
* Add on change method to minting details
* Add on change method to whitelist details
* Add on change method to royalty details
* Update create page name
* Refactor code for collection creation logic
2022-08-04 12:16:42 +03:00
Arda Nakışçı
Add collection queries page ( #5 )
2022-07-26 11:42:45 +03:00
Arda Nakışçı
Add collection actions page ( #3 )
* Add collection actions page
* Add collections index page and update sidebar
2022-07-25 11:29:52 +03:00