Implement whitelist-flex related utils

This commit is contained in:
Serkan Reis 2023-04-17 12:10:38 +03:00
parent 856ae4e53f
commit e7e66380e1
2 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

utils/csvToFlexList.ts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import type { WhitelistFlexMember } from 'components/WhitelistFlexUpload'
export const csvToFlexList = (str: string, delimiter = ',') => {
let newline = '\n'
if (str.includes('\r')) newline = '\r'
if (str.includes('\r\n')) newline = '\r\n'
const headers = str.slice(0, str.indexOf(newline)).split(delimiter)
if (headers.length !== 2) {
throw new Error('Invalid whitelist-flex file.')
if (headers[0] !== 'address' || headers[1] !== 'mint_count') {
throw new Error('Invalid whitelist-flex file. Headers must be "address" and "mint_count".')
const rows = str.slice(str.indexOf('\n') + 1).split(newline)
const arr = rows
.filter((row) => row !== '')
.map((row) => {
const values = row.split(delimiter)
const el = headers.reduce((object, header, index) => {
// @ts-expect-error assume object as Record<string, unknown>
object[header] = values[index]
return object
}, {})
return el
return arr as WhitelistFlexMember[]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import type { WhitelistFlexMember } from 'components/WhitelistFlexUpload'
import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast'
import { isValidAddress } from './isValidAddress'
export const isValidFlexListFile = (file: WhitelistFlexMember[]) => {
let sumOfAmounts = 0
file.forEach((allocation) => {
sumOfAmounts += Number(allocation.mint_count)
if (sumOfAmounts > 10000) {
toast.error(`Total mint count should be less than 10000 tokens (current count: ${sumOfAmounts}))`)
return false
const checks = => {
// Check if address is valid bech32 address
if (account.address.trim().startsWith('stars')) {
if (!isValidAddress(account.address.trim())) {
return { address: false }
// Check if address start with stars
if (!account.address.trim().startsWith('stars') && !account.address.trim().endsWith('.stars')) {
return { address: false }
// Check if amount is valid
if (!Number.isInteger(Number(account.mint_count)) || !(Number(account.mint_count) > 0)) {
return { mint_count: false }
return null
const isStargazeAddresses = file.every(
(account) => account.address.trim().startsWith('stars') || account.address.trim().endsWith('.stars'),
if (!isStargazeAddresses) {
toast.error('All accounts must be on the Stargaze network')
return false
if (checks.filter((check) => check?.address === false).length > 0) {
toast.error('Invalid address in file')
return false
if (checks.filter((check) => check?.mint_count === false).length > 0) {
toast.error('Invalid mint count in file. Mint count must be a positive integer.')
return false
return true