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2024-01-04 20:12:07 +00:00
/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
/* eslint-disable tailwindcss/classnames-order */
/* eslint-disable react/button-has-type */
import type { Coin } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing'
import { Registry } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing'
import { GasPrice, SigningStargateClient } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
import { ContractPageHeader } from 'components/ContractPageHeader'
import { TextInput } from 'components/forms/FormInput'
import { useInputState } from 'components/forms/FormInput.hooks'
import type { Metadata } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/bank'
import type { NextPage } from 'next'
import { NextSeo } from 'next-seo'
import { Field, Type } from 'protobufjs'
import { useState } from 'react'
import toast from 'react-hot-toast'
import { withMetadata } from 'utils/layout'
import { links } from 'utils/links'
import { useWallet } from 'utils/wallet'
export type MessageType = 'MsgCreateDenom' | 'MsgMint' | 'MsgSetDenomMetadata'
interface MsgCreateDenom {
sender: string
/** subdenom can be up to 44 "alphanumeric" characters long. */
subdenom: string
interface MsgSetDenomMetadata {
sender: string
metadata: Metadata
interface MsgMint {
sender: string
amount: Coin
mintToAddress: string
const MsgSetDenomMetadata = new Type('MsgSetDenomMetadata')
.add(new Field('sender', 1, 'string', 'required'))
.add(new Field('metadata', 2, 'Metadata', 'required'))
const MetadataType = new Type('Metadata')
.add(new Field('description', 1, 'string'))
.add(new Field('denomUnits', 2, 'DenomUnit', 'repeated'))
.add(new Field('base', 3, 'string'))
.add(new Field('display', 4, 'string'))
.add(new Field('name', 5, 'string'))
.add(new Field('symbol', 6, 'string'))
// .add(new Field("uri", 7, "string"))
// .add(new Field("uriHash", 8, "string"))
const DenomUnitType = new Type('DenomUnit')
.add(new Field('denom', 1, 'string'))
.add(new Field('exponent', 2, 'int32'))
.add(new Field('aliases', 3, 'string', 'repeated'))
const MsgCreateDenom = new Type('MsgCreateDenom')
.add(new Field('sender', 1, 'string', 'required'))
.add(new Field('subdenom', 2, 'string', 'required'))
const MsgMint = new Type('MsgMint')
.add(new Field('sender', 1, 'string', 'required'))
.add(new Field('amount', 2, 'Coin', 'required'))
.add(new Field('mintToAddress', 3, 'string', 'required'))
const CoinType = new Type('Coin').add(new Field('denom', 1, 'string')).add(new Field('amount', 2, 'string'))
const typeUrlMsgSetDenomMetadata = '/osmosis.tokenfactory.v1beta1.MsgSetDenomMetadata'
const typeUrlMsgCreateDenom = '/osmosis.tokenfactory.v1beta1.MsgCreateDenom'
const typeUrlMsgMint = '/osmosis.tokenfactory.v1beta1.MsgMint'
const typeEntries: [string, Type][] = [
[typeUrlMsgSetDenomMetadata, MsgSetDenomMetadata],
[typeUrlMsgCreateDenom, MsgCreateDenom],
[typeUrlMsgMint, MsgMint],
export const registry = new Registry(typeEntries)
const Tokenfactory: NextPage = () => {
const wallet = useWallet()
const [messageType, setMessageType] = useState<MessageType>('MsgCreateDenom')
const subdenomState = useInputState({
id: 'subdenom',
name: 'subdenom',
title: 'Subdenom',
defaultValue: 'utoken',
const handleSendMessage = async () => {
try {
if (!wallet.isWalletConnected) return toast.error('Please connect your wallet.')
const offlineSigner = wallet.getOfflineSignerDirect()
const stargateClient = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(
gasPrice: GasPrice.fromString('0.025ustars'),
const msgCreateDenom = {
typeUrl: typeUrlMsgCreateDenom,
value: {
sender: wallet.address,
subdenom: subdenomState.value,
const response = await stargateClient.signAndBroadcast(wallet.address as string, [msgCreateDenom], 'auto')
console.log('response: ', response)
toast.success(`${messageType}success.`, { style: { maxWidth: 'none' } })
} catch (error: any) {
toast.error(error.message, { style: { maxWidth: 'none' } })
console.error('Error: ', error)
return (
<section className="px-4 pt-4 pb-16 mx-auto space-y-8 ml-8 w-full">
<NextSeo title="TokenFactory" />
description="Here you can create, mint and manage tokens."
title="Token Factory"
<select onChange={(e) => setMessageType( as MessageType)}>
<option value="MsgCreateDenom">Create Denom</option>
<option value="MsgMint">Mint</option>
<option value="MsgSetDenomMetadata">Set Denom Metadata</option>
<TextInput className="w-3/4" {...subdenomState} />
className="px-4 py-2 font-bold text-white bg-stargaze rounded-md"
onClick={() => {
void handleSendMessage()
{' '}
Export Snapshot
export default withMetadata(Tokenfactory, { center: false })