2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
// import { AirdropUpload } from 'components/AirdropUpload'
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
import { toUtf8 } from '@cosmjs/encoding'
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
import type { DispatchExecuteArgs } from 'components/badges/actions/actions'
import { dispatchExecute , isEitherType , previewExecutePayload } from 'components/badges/actions/actions'
import { ActionsCombobox } from 'components/badges/actions/Combobox'
import { useActionsComboboxState } from 'components/badges/actions/Combobox.hooks'
import { Button } from 'components/Button'
import { Conditional } from 'components/Conditional'
import { FormControl } from 'components/FormControl'
// import { FormGroup } from 'components/FormGroup'
import { AddressInput , NumberInput } from 'components/forms/FormInput'
import { useInputState , useNumberInputState } from 'components/forms/FormInput.hooks'
import { MetadataAttributes } from 'components/forms/MetadataAttributes'
import { useMetadataAttributesState } from 'components/forms/MetadataAttributes.hooks'
import { InputDateTime } from 'components/InputDateTime'
import { JsonPreview } from 'components/JsonPreview'
import { TransactionHash } from 'components/TransactionHash'
import { useWallet } from 'contexts/wallet'
import type { Badge , BadgeHubInstance } from 'contracts/badgeHub'
import * as crypto from 'crypto'
import { toPng } from 'html-to-image'
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
import sizeof from 'object-sizeof'
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
import { QRCodeCanvas } from 'qrcode.react'
import type { FormEvent } from 'react'
import { useEffect , useRef , useState } from 'react'
import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast'
import { FaArrowRight , FaCopy , FaSave } from 'react-icons/fa'
import { useMutation } from 'react-query'
import * as secp256k1 from 'secp256k1'
import { NETWORK } from 'utils/constants'
import type { AirdropAllocation } from 'utils/isValidAccountsFile'
import { resolveAddress } from 'utils/resolveAddress'
import { TextInput } from '../../forms/FormInput'
import type { MintRule } from '../creation/ImageUploadDetails'
interface BadgeActionsProps {
badgeHubContractAddress : string
badgeId : number
badgeHubMessages : BadgeHubInstance | undefined
mintRule : MintRule
type TransferrableType = true | false | undefined
export const BadgeActions = ( { badgeHubContractAddress , badgeId , badgeHubMessages , mintRule } : BadgeActionsProps ) = > {
const wallet = useWallet ( )
const [ lastTx , setLastTx ] = useState ( '' )
const [ timestamp , setTimestamp ] = useState < Date | undefined > ( undefined )
const [ airdropAllocationArray , setAirdropAllocationArray ] = useState < AirdropAllocation [ ] > ( [ ] )
const [ airdropArray , setAirdropArray ] = useState < string [ ] > ( [ ] )
const [ badge , setBadge ] = useState < Badge > ( )
const [ transferrable , setTransferrable ] = useState < TransferrableType > ( undefined )
const [ resolvedOwnerAddress , setResolvedOwnerAddress ] = useState < string > ( '' )
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
const [ editFee , setEditFee ] = useState < number | undefined > ( undefined )
const [ dispatch , setDispatch ] = useState < boolean > ( false )
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
const [ createdBadgeId , setCreatedBadgeId ] = useState < string | undefined > ( undefined )
const [ createdBadgeKey , setCreatedBadgeKey ] = useState < string | undefined > ( undefined )
const qrRef = useRef < HTMLDivElement > ( null )
const actionComboboxState = useActionsComboboxState ( )
const type = actionComboboxState . value ? . id
const maxSupplyState = useNumberInputState ( {
id : 'max-supply' ,
name : 'max-supply' ,
title : 'Max Supply' ,
subtitle : 'Maximum number of badges that can be minted' ,
} )
// Metadata related fields
const managerState = useInputState ( {
id : 'manager-address' ,
name : 'manager' ,
title : 'Manager' ,
subtitle : 'Badge Hub Manager' ,
defaultValue : wallet.address ,
} )
const nameState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-name' ,
name : 'metadata-name' ,
title : 'Name' ,
subtitle : 'Name of the badge' ,
} )
const descriptionState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-description' ,
name : 'metadata-description' ,
title : 'Description' ,
subtitle : 'Description of the badge' ,
} )
const imageState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-image' ,
name : 'metadata-image' ,
title : 'Image' ,
subtitle : 'Badge Image URL' ,
} )
const imageDataState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-image-data' ,
name : 'metadata-image-data' ,
title : 'Image Data' ,
subtitle : 'Raw SVG image data' ,
} )
const externalUrlState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-external-url' ,
name : 'metadata-external-url' ,
title : 'External URL' ,
subtitle : 'External URL for the badge' ,
} )
const attributesState = useMetadataAttributesState ( )
const backgroundColorState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-background-color' ,
name : 'metadata-background-color' ,
title : 'Background Color' ,
subtitle : 'Background color of the badge' ,
} )
const animationUrlState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-animation-url' ,
name : 'metadata-animation-url' ,
title : 'Animation URL' ,
subtitle : 'Animation URL for the badge' ,
} )
const youtubeUrlState = useInputState ( {
id : 'metadata-youtube-url' ,
name : 'metadata-youtube-url' ,
title : 'YouTube URL' ,
subtitle : 'YouTube URL for the badge' ,
} )
// Rules related fields
const keyState = useInputState ( {
id : 'key' ,
name : 'key' ,
title : 'Key' ,
subtitle : 'The key generated for the badge' ,
} )
const ownerState = useInputState ( {
id : 'owner-address' ,
name : 'owner' ,
title : 'Owner' ,
subtitle : 'The owner of the badge' ,
} )
const pubkeyState = useInputState ( {
id : 'pubkey' ,
name : 'pubkey' ,
title : 'Pubkey' ,
subtitle : 'The public key for the badge' ,
} )
const signatureState = useInputState ( {
id : 'signature' ,
name : 'signature' ,
title : 'Signature' ,
subtitle : 'The signature for the badge' ,
} )
const nftState = useInputState ( {
id : 'nft-address' ,
name : 'nft-address' ,
title : 'NFT Contract Address' ,
subtitle : 'The NFT Contract Address for the badge' ,
} )
const limitState = useNumberInputState ( {
id : 'limit' ,
name : 'limit' ,
title : 'Limit' ,
subtitle : 'Number of keys/owners to execute the action for' ,
} )
const showBadgeField = type === 'create_badge'
const showMetadataField = isEitherType ( type , [ 'create_badge' , 'edit_badge' ] )
const showIdField = type === 'edit_badge'
const showNFTField = type === 'set_nft'
const payload : DispatchExecuteArgs = {
badge : {
manager : managerState.value ,
metadata : {
name : nameState.value || undefined ,
description : descriptionState.value || undefined ,
image : imageState.value || undefined ,
image_data : imageDataState.value || undefined ,
external_url : externalUrlState.value || undefined ,
attributes :
attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . trait_type && attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . value
? attributesState . values
. map ( ( attr ) = > ( {
trait_type : attr.trait_type ,
value : attr.value ,
} ) )
. filter ( ( attr ) = > attr . trait_type && attr . value )
: undefined ,
background_color : backgroundColorState.value || undefined ,
animation_url : animationUrlState.value || undefined ,
youtube_url : youtubeUrlState.value || undefined ,
} ,
transferrable : transferrable === true ,
rule : {
by_key : keyState.value ,
} ,
expiry : timestamp ? timestamp . getTime ( ) * 1000000 : undefined ,
max_supply : maxSupplyState.value || undefined ,
} ,
metadata : {
name : nameState.value || undefined ,
description : descriptionState.value || undefined ,
image : imageState.value || undefined ,
image_data : imageDataState.value || undefined ,
external_url : externalUrlState.value || undefined ,
attributes :
attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . trait_type && attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . value
? attributesState . values
. map ( ( attr ) = > ( {
trait_type : attr.trait_type ,
value : attr.value ,
} ) )
. filter ( ( attr ) = > attr . trait_type && attr . value )
: undefined ,
background_color : backgroundColorState.value || undefined ,
animation_url : animationUrlState.value || undefined ,
youtube_url : youtubeUrlState.value || undefined ,
} ,
id : badgeId ,
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
editFee ,
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
owner : resolvedOwnerAddress ,
pubkey : pubkeyState.value ,
signature : signatureState.value ,
keys : [ ] ,
limit : limitState.value ,
owners : [ ] ,
nft : nftState.value ,
badgeHubMessages ,
badgeHubContract : badgeHubContractAddress ,
txSigner : wallet.address ,
type ,
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
const resolveOwnerAddress = async ( ) = > {
await resolveAddress ( ownerState . value . trim ( ) , wallet ) . then ( ( resolvedAddress ) = > {
setResolvedOwnerAddress ( resolvedAddress )
} )
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
void resolveOwnerAddress ( )
} , [ ownerState . value ] )
const resolveManagerAddress = async ( ) = > {
await resolveAddress ( managerState . value . trim ( ) , wallet ) . then ( ( resolvedAddress ) = > {
setBadge ( {
manager : resolvedAddress ,
metadata : {
name : nameState.value || undefined ,
description : descriptionState.value || undefined ,
image : imageState.value || undefined ,
image_data : imageDataState.value || undefined ,
external_url : externalUrlState.value || undefined ,
attributes :
attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . trait_type && attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . value
? attributesState . values
. map ( ( attr ) = > ( {
trait_type : attr.trait_type ,
value : attr.value ,
} ) )
. filter ( ( attr ) = > attr . trait_type && attr . value )
: undefined ,
background_color : backgroundColorState.value || undefined ,
animation_url : animationUrlState.value || undefined ,
youtube_url : youtubeUrlState.value || undefined ,
} ,
transferrable : transferrable === true ,
rule : {
by_key : keyState.value ,
} ,
expiry : timestamp ? timestamp . getTime ( ) * 1000000 : undefined ,
max_supply : maxSupplyState.value || undefined ,
} )
} )
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
void resolveManagerAddress ( )
} , [ managerState . value ] )
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
setBadge ( {
manager : managerState.value ,
metadata : {
name : nameState.value || undefined ,
description : descriptionState.value || undefined ,
image : imageState.value || undefined ,
image_data : imageDataState.value || undefined ,
external_url : externalUrlState.value || undefined ,
attributes :
attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . trait_type && attributesState . values [ 0 ] ? . value
? attributesState . values
. map ( ( attr ) = > ( {
trait_type : attr.trait_type ,
value : attr.value ,
} ) )
. filter ( ( attr ) = > attr . trait_type && attr . value )
: undefined ,
background_color : backgroundColorState.value || undefined ,
animation_url : animationUrlState.value || undefined ,
youtube_url : youtubeUrlState.value || undefined ,
} ,
transferrable : transferrable === true ,
rule : {
by_key : keyState.value ,
} ,
expiry : timestamp ? timestamp . getTime ( ) * 1000000 : undefined ,
max_supply : maxSupplyState.value || undefined ,
} )
} , [
managerState . value ,
nameState . value ,
descriptionState . value ,
imageState . value ,
imageDataState . value ,
externalUrlState . value ,
attributesState . values ,
backgroundColorState . value ,
animationUrlState . value ,
youtubeUrlState . value ,
transferrable ,
keyState . value ,
timestamp ,
maxSupplyState . value ,
] )
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
if ( attributesState . values . length === 0 )
attributesState . add ( {
trait_type : '' ,
value : '' ,
} )
} , [ ] )
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
void dispatchEditBadge ( ) . catch ( ( err ) = > {
toast . error ( String ( err ) , { style : { maxWidth : 'none' } } )
} )
} , [ dispatch ] )
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
const addresses : string [ ] = [ ]
airdropAllocationArray . forEach ( ( allocation ) = > {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < Number ( allocation . amount ) ; i ++ ) {
addresses . push ( allocation . address )
} )
//shuffle the addresses array
for ( let i = addresses . length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i -- ) {
const j = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * ( i + 1 ) )
; [ addresses [ i ] , addresses [ j ] ] = [ addresses [ j ] , addresses [ i ] ]
setAirdropArray ( addresses )
} , [ airdropAllocationArray ] )
const { isLoading , mutate } = useMutation (
async ( event : FormEvent ) = > {
event . preventDefault ( )
if ( ! type ) {
throw new Error ( 'Please select an action.' )
if ( badgeHubContractAddress === '' ) {
throw new Error ( 'Please enter the Badge Hub contract addresses.' )
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
if ( wallet . client && type === 'edit_badge' ) {
const feeRateRaw = await wallet . client . queryContractRaw (
badgeHubContractAddress ,
toUtf8 ( Buffer . from ( Buffer . from ( 'fee_rate' ) . toString ( 'hex' ) , 'hex' ) . toString ( ) ) ,
const feeRate = JSON . parse ( new TextDecoder ( ) . decode ( feeRateRaw as Uint8Array ) )
await toast
. promise (
wallet . client . queryContractSmart ( badgeHubContractAddress , {
badge : { id : badgeId } ,
} ) ,
error : ` Edit Fee calculation failed! ` ,
loading : 'Calculating Edit Fee...' ,
success : ( currentBadge ) = > {
console . log ( 'Current badge: ' , currentBadge )
return ` Current metadata is ${
Number ( sizeof ( currentBadge . metadata ) ) + Number ( sizeof ( currentBadge . metadata . attributes ) )
} bytes in size . `
} ,
} ,
. then ( ( currentBadge ) = > {
const currentBadgeMetadataSize =
Number ( sizeof ( currentBadge . metadata ) ) + Number ( sizeof ( currentBadge . metadata . attributes ) )
console . log ( 'Current badge metadata size: ' , currentBadgeMetadataSize )
const newBadgeMetadataSize = Number ( sizeof ( badge ? . metadata ) ) + Number ( sizeof ( badge ? . metadata . attributes ) )
console . log ( 'New badge metadata size: ' , newBadgeMetadataSize )
if ( newBadgeMetadataSize > currentBadgeMetadataSize ) {
const calculatedFee = ( ( newBadgeMetadataSize - currentBadgeMetadataSize ) * Number ( feeRate . metadata ) ) / 2
setEditFee ( calculatedFee )
setDispatch ( ! dispatch )
} else {
setEditFee ( undefined )
setDispatch ( ! dispatch )
} )
. catch ( ( error ) = > {
throw new Error ( String ( error ) . substring ( String ( error ) . lastIndexOf ( 'Error:' ) + 7 ) )
} )
} else {
const txHash = await toast . promise ( dispatchExecute ( payload ) , {
error : ` ${ type . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + type . slice ( 1 ) } execute failed! ` ,
loading : 'Executing message...' ,
success : ( tx ) = > ` Transaction ${ tx } success! ` ,
} )
if ( txHash ) {
setLastTx ( txHash )
} ,
onError : ( error ) = > {
toast . error ( String ( error ) , { style : { maxWidth : 'none' } } )
} ,
} ,
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
const dispatchEditBadge = async ( ) = > {
if ( type ) {
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
const txHash = await toast . promise ( dispatchExecute ( payload ) , {
error : ` ${ type . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + type . slice ( 1 ) } execute failed! ` ,
loading : 'Executing message...' ,
success : ( tx ) = > ` Transaction ${ tx } success! ` ,
} )
if ( txHash ) {
setLastTx ( txHash )
2023-02-20 21:00:11 +00:00
2023-02-19 17:00:24 +00:00
const airdropFileOnChange = ( data : AirdropAllocation [ ] ) = > {
setAirdropAllocationArray ( data )
const handleGenerateKey = ( ) = > {
let privKey : Buffer
do {
privKey = crypto . randomBytes ( 32 )
} while ( ! secp256k1 . privateKeyVerify ( privKey ) )
const privateKey = privKey . toString ( 'hex' )
setCreatedBadgeKey ( privateKey )
console . log ( 'Private Key: ' , privateKey )
const publicKey = Buffer . from ( secp256k1 . publicKeyCreate ( privKey ) ) . toString ( 'hex' )
keyState . onChange ( publicKey )
const handleDownloadQr = async ( ) = > {
const qrElement = qrRef . current
await toPng ( qrElement as HTMLElement ) . then ( ( dataUrl ) = > {
const link = document . createElement ( 'a' )
link . download = ` badge- ${ createdBadgeId as string } .png `
link . href = dataUrl
link . click ( )
} )
const copyClaimURL = async ( ) = > {
const baseURL = NETWORK === 'testnet' ? 'https://badges.publicawesome.dev' : 'https://badges.stargaze.zone'
const claimURL = ` ${ baseURL } /?id= ${ createdBadgeId as string } &key= ${ createdBadgeKey as string } `
await navigator . clipboard . writeText ( claimURL )
toast . success ( 'Copied claim URL to clipboard' )
return (
< form >
< div className = "grid grid-cols-2 mt-4" >
< div className = "mr-2" >
< ActionsCombobox mintRule = { mintRule } { ...actionComboboxState } / >
{ showBadgeField && createdBadgeId && createdBadgeKey && (
< div className = "ml-4" >
< div className = "w-[384px] h-[384px]" ref = { qrRef } >
< QRCodeCanvas
size = { 384 }
value = { ` ${
NETWORK === 'testnet' ? 'https://badges.publicawesome.dev' : 'https://badges.stargaze.zone'
} / ? id = $ { createdBadgeId } & key = $ { createdBadgeKey } ` }
/ >
< / div >
{ /* <div className="flex flex-row items-center mt-2 space-x-2 w-[384px] h-12"> */ }
< div className = "grid grid-cols-2 gap-2 mt-2 w-[384px]" >
< Button
className = "items-center w-full text-sm text-center rounded"
leftIcon = { < FaSave / > }
onClick = { ( ) = > void handleDownloadQr ( ) }
Download QR Code
< / Button >
< Button
className = "w-full text-sm text-center rounded"
leftIcon = { < FaCopy / > }
onClick = { ( ) = > void copyClaimURL ( ) }
variant = "solid"
Copy Claim URL
< / Button >
< / div >
< / div >
) }
{ showBadgeField && < AddressInput { ...managerState } / > }
{ showBadgeField && < TextInput { ...keyState } / > }
{ showBadgeField && < Button onClick = { handleGenerateKey } > Generate Key < / Button > }
{ showMetadataField && (
< div className = "p-4 rounded-md border-2 border-gray-800" >
< span className = "text-gray-400" > Metadata < / span >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...nameState } / >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...descriptionState } / >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...imageState } / >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...imageDataState } / >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...externalUrlState } / >
< div className = "mt-2" >
< MetadataAttributes
attributes = { attributesState . entries }
onAdd = { attributesState . add }
onChange = { attributesState . update }
onRemove = { attributesState . remove }
title = "Traits"
/ >
< / div >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...backgroundColorState } / >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...animationUrlState } / >
< TextInput className = "mt-2" { ...youtubeUrlState } / >
< / div >
) }
{ showNFTField && < AddressInput { ...nftState } / > }
{ / * { s h o w A i r d r o p F i l e F i e l d & & (
< FormGroup
subtitle = "CSV file that contains the airdrop addresses and the amount of tokens allocated for each address. Should start with the following header row: address,amount"
title = "Airdrop File"
< AirdropUpload onChange = { airdropFileOnChange } / >
< / FormGroup >
) } * / }
< Conditional test = { showBadgeField } >
< FormControl className = "mt-2" htmlId = "start-date" title = "Start Time" >
< InputDateTime minDate = { new Date ( ) } onChange = { ( date ) = > setTimestamp ( date ) } value = { timestamp } / >
< / FormControl >
< / Conditional >
< Conditional test = { showBadgeField } >
< FormControl htmlId = "expiry-date" subtitle = "Badge minting expiry date" title = "Expiry Date" >
< InputDateTime minDate = { new Date ( ) } onChange = { ( date ) = > setTimestamp ( date ) } value = { timestamp } / >
< / FormControl >
< / Conditional >
{ showBadgeField && < NumberInput className = "mt-2" { ...maxSupplyState } / > }
{ showBadgeField && (
< div className = "mt-2 form-control" >
< label className = "justify-start cursor-pointer label" >
< span className = "mr-4 font-bold" > Transferrable < / span >
< input
checked = { transferrable }
className = { ` toggle ${ transferrable ? ` bg-stargaze ` : ` bg-gray-600 ` } ` }
onClick = { ( ) = > setTransferrable ( ! transferrable ) }
type = "checkbox"
/ >
< / label >
< / div >
) }
< / div >
< div className = "-mt-6" >
< div className = "relative mb-2" >
< Button
className = "absolute top-0 right-0"
isLoading = { isLoading }
onClick = { mutate }
rightIcon = { < FaArrowRight / > }
< / Button >
< FormControl subtitle = "View execution transaction hash" title = "Transaction Hash" >
< TransactionHash hash = { lastTx } / >
< / FormControl >
< / div >
< FormControl subtitle = "View current message to be sent" title = "Payload Preview" >
< JsonPreview content = { previewExecutePayload ( payload ) } isCopyable / >
< / FormControl >
< / div >
< / div >
< / form >