Yusuf Seyrek b24bbb3376
New architecture (#196)
* feat: move app to pages features

* feat: route changes

* Use React Router, Remove SSR

* Fix account menu

* Remove app folder

* remove old useParams

* Moved pages back to pages and refactor names

* add layout to route

* clean up

* create hooks for api fetching

* fix refetch of all data on tx complete

* formatting

* fix: fixed the wallet-connector race condition

* remove cosmjs/stargate (#202)

* remove cosmjs/stargate

* add Yusuf as code-orwner

* Singleton client (#203)

* remove cosmjs/stargate

* add Yusuf as code-orwner

* create signleton client and refactor vaults api

* update client name, add apollo apr env

* Setup validate-env and remove checking from apis

* uncomment vaults

* Resolve comments

* fix: html templating, add checks for hydration&window object, reduce bundle size (#204)

* fix: tests

* Fix routing and wallet client (#205)

* Add header to router (as layout)

* Refactor Wallet component

* Remove server fallback packages webpack

* add missing dependency for useeffect


Co-authored-by: Bob van der Helm <>
Co-authored-by: Linkie Link <>
2023-05-16 12:39:52 +02:00

66 lines
1.9 KiB

"name": "mars-v2-frontend",
"version": "2.0.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
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"test": "jest",
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"validate-env": "node ./validate-env"
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