Linkie Link c4f8f4eab0
Mp 1757 wallet connect (#66)
* MP-1757: implemented the WalletProvider and connect buttons

* tidy: tidy up the search

* MP-1691: moved modals outside of the DOM

* MP-1691: changed CreditManager into AccountDetails

* fix: fixed the naming

* MP-1691: UX approvements

* MP-1691: global confirm and delete modal added

* fix: merged the credit-account and wallet branch

* MP-1757: added the status store

* fix: updated the store interaction

* MP-1757: major cleanup of stores

* tidy: format
2022-12-08 21:14:38 +01:00

83 lines
3.5 KiB

import { ChainInfoID, WalletManagerProvider, WalletType } from '@marsprotocol/wallet-connector'
import { FC } from 'react'
import { buttonColorClasses, buttonSizeClasses, buttonVariantClasses } from 'components/Button'
import CircularProgress from 'components/CircularProgress'
import CloseIcon from 'components/Icons/close.svg'
import KeplrImage from 'public/images/keplr-wallet-extension.png'
import WalletConnectImage from 'public/images/walletconnect-keplr.png'
type Props = {
children?: React.ReactNode
const WalletConnectProvider: FC<Props> = ({ children }) => {
return (
[ChainInfoID.OsmosisTestnet]: {
rpc: '',
rest: '',
'flex h-fit w-[500px] max-w-full overflow-hidden rounded-xl border-[7px] border-accent-highlight p-4 gradient-card flex-col outline-none relative',
'bg-black/60 fixed top-0 left-0 w-screen h-screen z-50 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer backdrop-blur',
modalHeader: 'text-2xl-caps text-center text-white mb-4',
walletList: 'flex flex-col gap-4 py-2',
'bg-transparent rounded-base p-2 shadow-none flex items-center appearance-none border-none w-full no-underline cursor-pointer hover:bg-white/10 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50',
walletImage: 'h-15 w-15',
walletInfo: 'flex flex-col ml-5',
walletName: 'text-lg-caps text-white',
walletDescription: 'mt-1 text-white/40 text-base text-left',
textContent: 'block w-full text-center text-base text-white',
<span className='flex w-8 text-white/70 hover:text-white'>
<CloseIcon />
enabledWalletTypes={[WalletType.Keplr, WalletType.WalletConnectKeplr]}
text: 'If nothing shows up in your wallet try to connect again, by clicking on the button below. Refresh the page if the problem persists.',
textClassName: 'block w-full text-center text-base text-white',
buttonText: 'Retry the Connection',
buttonClassName: `cursor-pointer appearance-none break-normal rounded-3xl outline-none transition-colors ${buttonColorClasses.primary} ${buttonSizeClasses.small} ${buttonVariantClasses.solid}`,
contentClassName: 'flex flex-wrap w-full justify-center',
enablingStringOverride='connecting to wallet'
renderLoader={() => (
<div className='my-4 flex w-full justify-center'>
<CircularProgress size={30} />
name: 'Mars Protocol',
description: 'Mars V2 Description',
url: '',
icons: [''],
[WalletType.Keplr]: {
description: 'Keplr browser extension',
imageUrl: KeplrImage.src,
[WalletType.WalletConnectKeplr]: {
name: 'Wallet Connect',
description: 'Keplr mobile WalletConnect',
imageUrl: WalletConnectImage.src,
export default WalletConnectProvider