Linkie Link 0ae70899e5
Mp 2344 fund credit account flow ()
* tidy: refactor text

* feat: added unstyled select

* tidy: useToggle

* tidy: useToggle

* MP-2344: first unstyled version of Select

* fix: fixed the build

* MP-2344: progress on the Select

* MP-2344: almost finished the Select

* env: update wallet-connector

* fix: relative imports

* env: started adding osmo-test-5 contracts

* refactor: rename stargate.ts to d.ts

* env: adjusted tsconfig.json

* feat: updated modals to use the dialog element

* env: added mainnet config

* env: enabled osmosis-1

* tidy: refactor

* fix: fixed decimals

* fix: fixed the NaN issue for ETH

* fix: fixed price calculations for large decimals

* feat: finished conversion to <dialog>

* fix: fixed some logic issues

* fix: layout fix

* fix: fixed token slider and input

* tidy: format

* fix: added currentAccount hook

* Mp 2345 withdraw from credit account flow ()

* MP-2345: created the barebone for withdraw

* MP-2351: changed the AccountHealth logic

* MP-2345: enabled withdraw function

* MP-2351: added animation to Accordion

* fix: adjusted according to feedback

* fix: reduced complexity

* tidy: format

* env: enabled osmo-test-5 support

* feat: added USDC.n

* env: updated dependencies

* fix: hotfixed react-draggable

* fix: fixed vault info
2023-05-08 12:18:33 +02:00

29 lines
720 B

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