import { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react' import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js' import useCreditManagerStore from 'stores/useCreditManagerStore' import useCreditAccountPositions from './useCreditAccountPositions' import useMarkets from './useMarkets' import useRedbankBalances from './useRedbankBalances' import useTokenPrices from './useTokenPrices' const getApproximateHourlyInterest = (amount: string, borrowAPY: string) => { const hourlyAPY = BigNumber(borrowAPY).div(24 * 365) return hourlyAPY.times(amount).toNumber() } // max trade amount doesnt consider wallet balance as its not relevant // the entire token balance within the wallet will always be able to be fully swapped const useCalculateMaxTradeAmount = (tokenIn: string, tokenOut: string, isMargin: boolean) => { const selectedAccount = useCreditManagerStore((s) => s.selectedAccount) const { data: positionsData } = useCreditAccountPositions(selectedAccount ?? '') const { data: marketsData } = useMarkets() const { data: tokenPrices } = useTokenPrices() const { data: redbankBalances } = useRedbankBalances() const accountAmount = useMemo(() => { return BigNumber( positionsData?.coins?.find((coin) => coin.denom === tokenIn)?.amount ?? 0, ).toNumber() }, [positionsData, tokenIn]) const getTokenValue = useCallback( (amount: string, denom: string) => { if (!tokenPrices) return 0 return BigNumber(amount).times(tokenPrices[denom]).toNumber() }, [tokenPrices], ) return useMemo(() => { if (!marketsData || !tokenPrices || !positionsData || !redbankBalances || !tokenIn || !tokenOut) return 0 const totalWeightedPositions = positionsData.coins.reduce((acc, coin) => { const tokenWeightedValue = BigNumber(getTokenValue(coin.amount, coin.denom)).times( Number(marketsData[coin.denom].max_loan_to_value), ) return }, 0) // approximate debt value in an hour timespan to avoid throwing on smart contract level // due to debt interest being applied const totalLiabilitiesValue = positionsData.debts.reduce((acc, coin) => { const estimatedInterestAmount = getApproximateHourlyInterest( coin.amount, marketsData[coin.denom].borrow_rate, ) const tokenDebtValue = BigNumber(getTokenValue(coin.amount, coin.denom)).plus( estimatedInterestAmount, ) return }, 0) const tokenOutLTV = Number(marketsData[tokenOut].max_loan_to_value) const tokenInLTV = Number(marketsData[tokenIn].max_loan_to_value) // if the target token ltv higher, the full amount will always be able to be swapped if (tokenOutLTV < tokenInLTV) { // in theory, the most you can swap from x to y while keeping an health factor of 1 const maxSwapValue = BigNumber(totalLiabilitiesValue) .minus(totalWeightedPositions) .dividedBy(tokenOutLTV - tokenInLTV) const maxSwapAmount = maxSwapValue.div(tokenPrices[tokenIn]).decimalPlaces(0) // if the swappable amount is lower than the account amount, any further calculations are irrelevant if (maxSwapAmount.isLessThanOrEqualTo(accountAmount)) return maxSwapAmount.toNumber() } // if margin is disabled, the max swap amount is capped at the account amount if (!isMargin) { return accountAmount } const estimatedTokenOutAmount = BigNumber(accountAmount).times( tokenPrices[tokenIn] / tokenPrices[tokenOut], ) let positionsCoins = [...positionsData.coins] // if the target token is not in the account, add it to the positions if (!positionsCoins.find((coin) => coin.denom === tokenOut)) { positionsCoins.push({ amount: '0', denom: tokenOut, }) } // calculate weighted positions assuming the initial swap is made const totalWeightedPositionsAfterSwap = positionsCoins .filter((coin) => coin.denom !== tokenIn) .reduce((acc, coin) => { const coinAmount = coin.denom === tokenOut ? BigNumber(coin.amount).plus(estimatedTokenOutAmount).toString() : coin.amount const tokenWeightedValue = BigNumber(getTokenValue(coinAmount, coin.denom)).times( Number(marketsData[coin.denom].max_loan_to_value), ) return }, 0) const maxBorrowValue = totalWeightedPositionsAfterSwap === 0 ? 0 : BigNumber(totalWeightedPositionsAfterSwap) .minus(totalLiabilitiesValue) .dividedBy(1 - tokenOutLTV) .toNumber() const maxBorrowAmount = BigNumber(maxBorrowValue).dividedBy(tokenPrices[tokenIn]).toNumber() return BigNumber(accountAmount).plus(maxBorrowAmount).decimalPlaces(0).toNumber() }, [ accountAmount, getTokenValue, isMargin, marketsData, positionsData, redbankBalances, tokenIn, tokenOut, tokenPrices, ]) } export default useCalculateMaxTradeAmount