import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js' import { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react' import useCreditManagerStore from 'stores/useCreditManagerStore' import { getTokenDecimals } from 'utils/tokens' import useCreditAccountPositions from './useCreditAccountPositions' import useMarkets from './useMarkets' import useRedbankBalances from './useRedbankBalances' import useTokenPrices from './useTokenPrices' const getApproximateHourlyInterest = (amount: string, borrowAPY: string) => { const hourlyAPY = BigNumber(borrowAPY).div(24 * 365) return hourlyAPY.times(amount).toNumber() } const useCalculateMaxBorrowAmount = (denom: string, isUnderCollateralized: boolean) => { const selectedAccount = useCreditManagerStore((s) => s.selectedAccount) const { data: positionsData } = useCreditAccountPositions(selectedAccount ?? '') const { data: marketsData } = useMarkets() const { data: tokenPrices } = useTokenPrices() const { data: redbankBalances } = useRedbankBalances() const getTokenValue = useCallback( (amount: string, denom: string) => { if (!tokenPrices) return 0 return BigNumber(amount).times(tokenPrices[denom]).toNumber() }, [tokenPrices], ) return useMemo(() => { if (!marketsData || !tokenPrices || !positionsData || !redbankBalances) return 0 // max ltv adjusted collateral const totalWeightedPositions = positionsData?.coins.reduce((acc, coin) => { const tokenWeightedValue = BigNumber(getTokenValue(coin.amount, coin.denom)).times( Number(marketsData[coin.denom].max_loan_to_value), ) return }, 0) // approximate debt value in an hour timespan to avoid throwing on smart contract level // due to debt interest being applied const totalLiabilitiesValue = positionsData?.debts.reduce((acc, coin) => { const estimatedInterestAmount = getApproximateHourlyInterest( coin.amount, marketsData[coin.denom].borrow_rate, ) const tokenDebtValue = BigNumber(getTokenValue(coin.amount, coin.denom)).plus( estimatedInterestAmount, ) return }, 0) const borrowTokenPrice = tokenPrices[denom] const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(denom) let maxAmountCapacity if (isUnderCollateralized) { // MAX TO CREDIT ACCOUNT maxAmountCapacity = BigNumber(totalLiabilitiesValue) .minus(totalWeightedPositions) .div(borrowTokenPrice * Number(marketsData[denom].max_loan_to_value) - borrowTokenPrice) } else { // MAX TO WALLET maxAmountCapacity = BigNumber(totalWeightedPositions) .minus(totalLiabilitiesValue) .div(borrowTokenPrice) } const marketLiquidity = redbankBalances?.[denom] ?? 0 const maxBorrowAmount = ? marketLiquidity : ? maxAmountCapacity : 0 return BigNumber(maxBorrowAmount) .dividedBy(10 ** tokenDecimals) .decimalPlaces(tokenDecimals) .toNumber() }, [ denom, getTokenValue, isUnderCollateralized, marketsData, positionsData, redbankBalances, tokenPrices, ]) } export default useCalculateMaxBorrowAmount