Linkie Link
Mp 3104 delete account ( #336 )
* MP-3104: added deleteAccount and alerts for vaults and debts
* MP-3104: added Borrow and Farm links to the AlertDialog
* MP-3104: finished delete flow
* fix: adjusted according to feedback
* refactor: tidy
2023-08-03 11:45:32 +02:00
Linkie Link
overall cleanup and refactoring + SettingsModal ( #286 )
2023-07-11 21:01:14 +02:00
Linkie Link
Mp 2821 unlocked positions ( #276 )
2023-07-04 16:15:36 +02:00
Bob van der Helm
Mp 2713 asset selector ( #275 )
* added dumb asset selector
* fix table layouts borrow and farm
* 🍱 added basic overlay, esc btn
* finish asset selector
* Update tailwind configf to include button styles
2023-07-03 09:39:34 +02:00
Bob van der Helm
Mp 2546 borrow asset modal ( #255 )
* Refactor Modal folder and setup basic addassetsmodal
* basic tables
* Update basic logic
* small fixes
* Update closing for modals
* fix slider update bug and set borrowing subtitle
* fix store
* add missing dependency
* fix tests for VaultBorrowings
* Add DisplayCurrency test for VaultBorrowings
* trigger updated
* update borrowModal import path
* update imports for modals
* updating paths again
* update structure of modals directory
* fix all file naming and relative imports
* fix icon spacing button and jest.mocked import
* fix icon classes for button
* change Map to array and add BNCoin
* add AssetImage
* update logic for selecting borrow denoms
2023-06-15 13:00:46 +02:00