Ux and details update (#77)
* fix: added the metadata base * tidy: refactor the config structure * fix: fixed the denom and fetching shenanigans * fix: get rid of injective * fix: removed logs * tidy: updated dependencies * fix: replaced static fallbacks with networkConfig.asset.base * fix: remove memo * tidy: added TODO comment * fix: fixed the accountDetails * fix: fixed the wallet connector suffix
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After Width: | Height: | Size: 8.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 21 KiB |
@ -5,15 +5,17 @@ import { Button, LabelValuePair, PositionsList } from 'components'
import { AccountManageOverlay, RiskChart } from 'components/Account'
import { ArrowRightLine, ChevronDown, ChevronLeft } from 'components/Icons'
import { useAccountStats, useBalances } from 'hooks/data'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useSettings } from 'stores'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore, useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
import { lookup } from 'utils/formatters'
import { createRiskData } from 'utils/risk'
export const AccountDetails = () => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const isOpen = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.isOpen)
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const baseAsset = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.base)
const balances = useBalances()
const accountStats = useAccountStats()
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ export const AccountDetails = () => {
return (
'relative flex w-[400px] basis-[400px] flex-wrap content-start border-white/20 bg-header',
'relative flex w-[400px] basis-[400px] flex-wrap content-start border-l border-white/20 bg-header',
enableAnimations && 'transition-[margin] duration-1000 ease-in-out',
isOpen ? 'mr-0' : '-mr-[400px]',
@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ export const AccountDetails = () => {
label='Total Position:'
format: 'number',
amount: lookup(accountStats?.totalPosition ?? 0, chain.stakeCurrency.coinDenom),
amount: lookup(accountStats?.totalPosition ?? 0, baseAsset.denom, whitelistedAssets),
prefix: '$',
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ export const AccountDetails = () => {
label='Total Liabilities:'
format: 'number',
amount: lookup(accountStats?.totalDebt ?? 0, chain.stakeCurrency.coinDenom),
amount: lookup(accountStats?.totalDebt ?? 0, baseAsset.denom, whitelistedAssets),
prefix: '$',
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ import { BorrowCapacity } from 'components/BorrowCapacity'
import { useAccountStats } from 'hooks/data'
import { useCreateCreditAccount } from 'hooks/mutations'
import { useCreditAccounts } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useModalStore } from 'stores'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
import { useModalStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { formatValue } from 'utils/formatters'
export const AccountStatus = () => {
const baseAsset = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.base)
const accountStats = useAccountStats()
const { data: creditAccountsList } = useCreditAccounts()
const { mutate: createCreditAccount, isLoading: isLoadingCreate } = useCreateCreditAccount()
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export const AccountStatus = () => {
<Text size='sm' className='flex flex-grow text-white'>
.dividedBy(10 ** chain.stakeCurrency.coinDecimals)
.dividedBy(10 ** baseAsset.decimals)
prefix='$: '
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { Button, CircularProgress, Modal, Slider, Text } from 'components'
import { MarsProtocol } from 'components/Icons'
import { useDepositCreditAccount } from 'hooks/mutations'
import { useAllBalances, useAllowedCoins } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useModalStore } from 'stores'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useModalStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { getTokenDecimals, getTokenSymbol } from 'utils/tokens'
export const FundAccountModal = () => {
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ export const FundAccountModal = () => {
const open = useModalStore((s) => s.fundAccountModal)
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const [lendAssets, setLendAssets] = useLocalStorageState(`lendAssets_${selectedAccount}`, {
defaultValue: false,
@ -37,12 +38,14 @@ export const FundAccountModal = () => {
selectedAccount || '',
.times(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedToken))
.times(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedToken, whitelistedAssets))
onSuccess: () => {
toast.success(`${amount} ${getTokenSymbol(selectedToken)} successfully Deposited`)
`${amount} ${getTokenSymbol(selectedToken, whitelistedAssets)} successfully Deposited`,
useModalStore.setState({ fundAccountModal: false })
@ -59,9 +62,9 @@ export const FundAccountModal = () => {
if (!selectedToken) return 0
return BigNumber(balancesData?.find((balance) => balance.denom === selectedToken)?.amount ?? 0)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedToken))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedToken, whitelistedAssets))
}, [balancesData, selectedToken])
}, [balancesData, selectedToken, whitelistedAssets])
const handleValueChange = (value: number) => {
if (value > walletAmount) {
@ -91,12 +94,10 @@ export const FundAccountModal = () => {
<div className='flex flex-1 flex-col items-start justify-between bg-fund-modal bg-cover p-6'>
<Text size='2xs' uppercase className='mb-3 text-white'>
<Text size='xl' className='mb-4 text-white'>
Bringing the next generation of video creation to the Metaverse.
<br />
Powered by deep-learning.
<Text size='lg' className='mb-4 text-white'>
Fund your Account to enable its borrowing and lending capabilities.
<div className='w-[153px] text-white'>
@ -113,9 +114,9 @@ export const FundAccountModal = () => {
Fund Account
<Text size='sm' className='mb-6 text-white/60'>
Transfer assets from your injective wallet to your Mars credit account. If you don’t
have any assets in your injective wallet use the injective bridge to transfer funds to
your injective wallet.
Transfer assets from your osmosis wallet to your Mars credit account. If you don’t
have any assets in your osmosis wallet use the osmosis bridge to transfer funds to
your osmosis wallet.
{isLoadingAllowedCoins ? (
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ export const FundAccountModal = () => {
{allowedCoinsData?.map((entry) => (
<option key={entry} value={entry}>
{getTokenSymbol(entry, whitelistedAssets)}
@ -159,14 +160,17 @@ export const FundAccountModal = () => {
<Text size='xs' uppercase className='mb-2 text-white/60'>
{`In wallet: ${walletAmount.toLocaleString()} ${getTokenSymbol(selectedToken)}`}
{`In wallet: ${walletAmount.toLocaleString()} ${getTokenSymbol(
onChange={(value) => {
const decimal = value[0] / 100
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(selectedToken)
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(selectedToken, whitelistedAssets)
// limit decimal precision based on token contract decimals
const newAmount = Number((decimal * maxValue).toFixed(tokenDecimals))
@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ import {
import { FormattedNumber, Text } from 'components'
import { useAccountStats } from 'hooks/data'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
import { formatValue } from 'utils/formatters'
export const RiskChart = ({ data }: RiskChartProps) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const accountStats = useAccountStats()
const currentRisk = accountStats?.risk ?? 0
@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ import { BorrowCapacity } from 'components/BorrowCapacity'
import { useAccountStats, useBalances, useCalculateMaxWithdrawAmount } from 'hooks/data'
import { useWithdrawFunds } from 'hooks/mutations'
import { useCreditAccountPositions, useTokenPrices } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useModalStore } from 'stores'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
import {
} from 'stores'
import { formatValue, lookup } from 'utils/formatters'
import { getTokenDecimals, getTokenSymbol } from 'utils/tokens'
@ -29,11 +33,11 @@ export const WithdrawModal = () => {
// ---------------
const open = useModalStore((s) => s.withdrawModal)
const chainInfo = useWalletStore((s) => s.chainInfo)
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const { data: positionsData, isLoading: isLoadingPositions } = useCreditAccountPositions(
selectedAccount ?? '',
const { data: positionsData } = useCreditAccountPositions(selectedAccount ?? '')
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const baseAsset = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.base)
// ---------------
@ -48,8 +52,8 @@ export const WithdrawModal = () => {
const { data: tokenPrices } = useTokenPrices()
const balances = useBalances()
const selectedTokenSymbol = getTokenSymbol(selectedToken)
const selectedTokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(selectedToken)
const selectedTokenSymbol = getTokenSymbol(selectedToken, whitelistedAssets)
const selectedTokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(selectedToken, whitelistedAssets)
const tokenAmountInCreditAccount = useMemo(() => {
return BigNumber(positionsData?.coins.find((coin) => coin.denom === selectedToken)?.amount ?? 0)
@ -127,13 +131,13 @@ export const WithdrawModal = () => {
const getTokenTotalUSDValue = (amount: string, denom: string) => {
const getTokenTotalUSDValue = (amount: string, denom: string, whitelistedAssets: Asset[]) => {
// early return if prices are not fetched yet
if (!tokenPrices) return 0
return (
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets))
.toNumber() * tokenPrices[denom]
@ -179,7 +183,7 @@ export const WithdrawModal = () => {
{positionsData?.coins?.map((coin) => (
<option key={coin.denom} value={coin.denom}>
{getTokenSymbol(coin.denom, whitelistedAssets)}
@ -259,7 +263,7 @@ export const WithdrawModal = () => {
<Text size='sm' className='flex flex-grow text-white'>
.dividedBy(10 ** chain.stakeCurrency.coinDecimals)
.dividedBy(10 ** baseAsset.decimals)
prefix='$: '
@ -306,7 +310,11 @@ export const WithdrawModal = () => {
label='Total Position:'
format: 'number',
amount: lookup(accountStats?.totalPosition ?? 0, chain.stakeCurrency.coinDenom),
amount: lookup(
accountStats?.totalPosition ?? 0,
prefix: '$',
@ -314,7 +322,7 @@ export const WithdrawModal = () => {
label='Total Liabilities:'
format: 'number',
amount: lookup(accountStats?.totalDebt ?? 0, chain.stakeCurrency.coinDenom),
amount: lookup(accountStats?.totalDebt ?? 0, baseAsset.denom, whitelistedAssets),
prefix: '$',
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ type AssetRowProps = {
data: {
denom: string
symbol: string
icon: string
chain: string
logo: string
name: string
borrowed: {
amount: number
value: number
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ export const AssetRow = ({ data, onBorrowClick, onRepayClick }: AssetRowProps) =
<div className='flex'>
<div className='flex flex-1 items-center'>
<Image src={data.icon} alt='token' width={32} height={32} />
<Image src={data.logo} alt='token' width={32} height={32} />
<div className='pl-2'>
<div className='text-xs'>{data.chain}</div>
<div className='text-xs'>{data.name}</div>
<div className='flex flex-1 items-center text-xs'>
@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ import {
import Image from 'next/image'
import React from 'react'
import { AssetRow } from 'components/Borrow'
import { ChevronDown, ChevronUp } from 'components/Icons'
import { formatCurrency } from 'utils/formatters'
import { AssetRow } from 'components/Borrow'
interface Market {
denom: string
symbol: string
icon: string
chain: string
logo: string
name: string
borrowed: {
amount: number
value: number
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ export const BorrowTable = ({ data, onBorrowClick, onRepayClick }: Props) => {
id: 'symbol',
accessorFn: (row) => (
<div className='flex flex-1 items-center'>
<Image src={row.icon} alt='token' width={32} height={32} />
<Image src={row.logo} alt='token' width={32} height={32} />
<div className='pl-2'>
<div className='text-xs'>{row.chain}</div>
<div className='text-xs'>{row.name}</div>
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import classNames from 'classnames'
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { FormattedNumber, Text, Tooltip } from 'components'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
interface Props {
balance: number
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export const BorrowCapacity = ({
decimals = 2,
}: Props) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const [percentOfMaxRound, setPercentOfMaxRound] = useState(0)
const [percentOfMaxRange, setPercentOfMaxRange] = useState(0)
@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ import {
import { useAccountStats, useBalances, useCalculateMaxBorrowAmount } from 'hooks/data'
import { useBorrowFunds } from 'hooks/mutations'
import { useAllBalances, useMarkets, useTokenPrices } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore } from 'stores'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { formatCurrency, formatValue } from 'utils/formatters'
import { getTokenDecimals, getTokenSymbol } from 'utils/tokens'
@ -34,12 +33,14 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
const [isBorrowToCreditAccount, setIsBorrowToCreditAccount] = useState(false)
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const baseAsset = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.base)
const balances = useBalances()
const { actions, borrowAmount } = useMemo(() => {
const borrowAmount = BigNumber(amount)
.times(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom))
.times(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets))
const withdrawAmount = isBorrowToCreditAccount ? 0 : borrowAmount
@ -60,11 +61,11 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
] as AccountStatsAction[],
}, [amount, isBorrowToCreditAccount, tokenDenom])
}, [amount, isBorrowToCreditAccount, tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets])
const accountStats = useAccountStats(actions)
const tokenSymbol = getTokenSymbol(tokenDenom)
const tokenSymbol = getTokenSymbol(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets)
const { mutate, isLoading } = useBorrowFunds(borrowAmount, tokenDenom, !isBorrowToCreditAccount, {
onSuccess: () => {
@ -83,9 +84,9 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
const walletAmount = useMemo(() => {
return BigNumber(balancesData?.find((balance) => balance.denom === tokenDenom)?.amount ?? 0)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets))
}, [balancesData, tokenDenom])
}, [balancesData, tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets])
const tokenPrice = tokenPrices?.[tokenDenom] ?? 0
const borrowRate = Number(marketsData?.[tokenDenom]?.borrow_rate)
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
const handleSliderValueChange = (value: number[]) => {
const decimal = value[0] / 100
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom)
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets)
// limit decimal precision based on token contract decimals
const newAmount = Number((decimal * maxValue).toFixed(tokenDecimals))
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
onValueChange={(v) => handleValueChange(v.floatValue || 0)}
suffix={` ${tokenSymbol}`}
decimalScale={getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets)}
<div className='flex justify-between text-xs tracking-widest'>
@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
<p className='flex-1 text-xs'>
.dividedBy(10 ** chain.stakeCurrency.coinDecimals)
.dividedBy(10 ** baseAsset.decimals)
@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
<div className='font-semibold'>
BigNumber(accountStats?.totalPosition ?? 0)
.dividedBy(10 ** chain.stakeCurrency.coinDecimals)
.dividedBy(10 ** baseAsset.decimals)
@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ export const BorrowModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
<div className='font-semibold'>
BigNumber(accountStats?.totalDebt ?? 0)
.dividedBy(10 ** chain.stakeCurrency.coinDecimals)
.dividedBy(10 ** baseAsset.decimals)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import classNames from 'classnames'
import React, { LegacyRef, ReactNode } from 'react'
import { CircularProgress } from 'components'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
interface Props {
children?: string | ReactNode
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ export const Button = React.forwardRef(function Button(
) {
const buttonClasses = []
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
switch (variant) {
case 'round':
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import classNames from 'classnames'
import { Text } from 'components'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
interface Props {
color?: string
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface Props {
export const CircularProgress = ({ color = '#FFFFFF', size = 20, className }: Props) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const borderWidth = `${size / 10}px`
const borderColor = `${color} transparent transparent transparent`
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import classNames from 'classnames'
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import { animated, useSpring } from 'react-spring'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
import { formatValue } from 'utils/formatters'
export const FormattedNumber = React.memo(
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export const FormattedNumber = React.memo(
rounded = false,
abbreviated = false,
}: FormattedNumberProps) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const prevAmountRef = useRef<number>(0)
useEffect(() => {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import classNames from 'classnames'
import { ReactNode } from 'react'
import { Tooltip } from 'components'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
interface Props {
tooltip: string | ReactNode
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export const Gauge = ({
}: Props) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const percentage = value * 100
const percentageValue = percentage > 100 ? 100 : percentage < 0 ? 0 : percentage
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { AccountDetails } from 'components/Account'
import { DesktopNavigation } from 'components/Navigation'
import { useCreditAccounts } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useSettings, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
const filter = {
day: 'brightness-100 hue-rotate-0',
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ const filter = {
export const Layout = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const { data: creditAccountsList } = useCreditAccounts()
const hasCreditAccounts = creditAccountsList && creditAccountsList.length > 0
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import { Button, CircularProgress, ContainerSecondary, Slider } from 'components'
import { useRepayFunds } from 'hooks/mutations'
import { useAccountDetailsStore } from 'stores'
import { useAllBalances, useCreditAccountPositions, useTokenPrices } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { formatCurrency } from 'utils/formatters'
import { getTokenDecimals, getTokenSymbol } from 'utils/tokens'
import { useAllBalances, useCreditAccountPositions, useTokenPrices } from 'hooks/queries'
// 0.001% buffer / slippage to avoid repay action from not fully repaying the debt amount
const REPAY_BUFFER = 1.00001
@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ export const RepayModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const { data: positionsData } = useCreditAccountPositions(selectedAccount ?? '')
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const tokenSymbol = getTokenSymbol(tokenDenom)
const tokenSymbol = getTokenSymbol(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets)
const maxRepayAmount = useMemo(() => {
const tokenDebtAmount =
@ -36,13 +37,13 @@ export const RepayModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
return BigNumber(tokenDebtAmount)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets))
}, [positionsData, tokenDenom])
}, [positionsData, tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets])
const { mutate, isLoading } = useRepayFunds(
.times(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom))
.times(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets))
@ -62,9 +63,9 @@ export const RepayModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
const walletAmount = useMemo(() => {
return BigNumber(balancesData?.find((balance) => balance.denom === tokenDenom)?.amount ?? 0)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets))
}, [balancesData, tokenDenom])
}, [balancesData, tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets])
const tokenPrice = tokenPrices?.[tokenDenom] ?? 0
@ -115,11 +116,9 @@ export const RepayModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
<div className='flex flex-1 flex-col items-start justify-between bg-[#4A4C60] p-6'>
<p className='text-bold mb-3 text-xs uppercase text-white/50'>About</p>
<p className='text-bold mb-3 text-xs uppercase text-white/50'>Repay</p>
<h4 className='mb-4 text-xl leading-8'>
Bringing the next generation of video creation to the Metaverse.
<br />
Powered by deep-learning.
Repay borrowed amounts to reduce risk.
<Image src='/logo.svg' alt='mars' width={50} height={50} />
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ export const RepayModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
onValueChange={(v) => handleValueChange(v.floatValue || 0)}
suffix={` ${tokenSymbol}`}
decimalScale={getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets)}
<div className='flex justify-between text-xs tracking-widest'>
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ export const RepayModal = ({ show, onClose, tokenDenom }: Props) => {
onChange={(value) => {
const decimal = value[0] / 100
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom)
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(tokenDenom, whitelistedAssets)
// limit decimal precision based on token contract decimals
const newAmount = Number((decimal * maxValue).toFixed(tokenDecimals))
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import classNames from 'classnames'
import { ReactNode } from 'react'
import { Questionmark } from 'components/Icons'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
interface Props {
children?: ReactNode | string
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export const Tooltip = ({
inderactive = false,
underline = false,
}: Props) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
return (
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import {
} from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore } from 'stores'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { getTokenDecimals, getTokenSymbol } from 'utils/tokens'
enum FundingMode {
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ enum FundingMode {
export const TradeActionModule = () => {
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const [selectedTokenIn, setSelectedTokenIn] = useState('')
const [selectedTokenOut, setSelectedTokenOut] = useState('')
const [amountIn, setAmountIn] = useState(0)
@ -92,9 +94,10 @@ export const TradeActionModule = () => {
onSuccess: () => {
`${amountIn} ${getTokenSymbol(selectedTokenIn)} swapped for ${amountOut} ${getTokenSymbol(
`${amountIn} ${getTokenSymbol(
)} swapped for ${amountOut} ${getTokenSymbol(selectedTokenOut, whitelistedAssets)}`,
@ -189,19 +192,20 @@ export const TradeActionModule = () => {
{allowedCoinsData?.map((entry) => (
<option key={entry} value={entry}>
{getTokenSymbol(entry, whitelistedAssets)}
className='h-8 flex-1 px-2 text-black outline-0'
value={amountIn / 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn)}
value={amountIn / 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets)}
onChange={(e) => {
const valueAsNumber = e.target.valueAsNumber
const valueWithDecimals = valueAsNumber * 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn)
const valueWithDecimals =
valueAsNumber * 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets)
handleAmountChange(valueWithDecimals, 'in')
@ -228,19 +232,20 @@ export const TradeActionModule = () => {
{allowedCoinsData?.map((entry) => (
<option key={entry} value={entry}>
{getTokenSymbol(entry, whitelistedAssets)}
className='h-8 flex-1 px-2 text-black outline-0'
value={amountOut / 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenOut)}
value={amountOut / 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenOut, whitelistedAssets)}
onChange={(e) => {
const valueAsNumber = e.target.valueAsNumber
const valueWithDecimals = valueAsNumber * 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenOut)
const valueWithDecimals =
valueAsNumber * 10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenOut, whitelistedAssets)
handleAmountChange(valueWithDecimals, 'out')
@ -250,29 +255,29 @@ export const TradeActionModule = () => {
<div className='mb-1'>
In Wallet:{' '}
.dividedBy(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn))
.dividedBy(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets))
.toLocaleString(undefined, {
maximumFractionDigits: getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn),
maximumFractionDigits: getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets),
})}{' '}
<span>{getTokenSymbol(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets)}</span>
<div className='mb-4'>
In Account:{' '}
.dividedBy(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn))
.dividedBy(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets))
.toLocaleString(undefined, {
maximumFractionDigits: getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn),
maximumFractionDigits: getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets),
})}{' '}
<span>{getTokenSymbol(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets)}</span>
onChange={(value) => {
const decimal = value[0] / 100
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn)
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets)
// limit decimal precision based on token contract decimals
const newAmount = Number((decimal * maxAmount).toFixed(0))
@ -308,10 +313,10 @@ export const TradeActionModule = () => {
? BigNumber(borrowAmount)
.dividedBy(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn))
.dividedBy(10 ** getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets))
.toLocaleString(undefined, {
maximumFractionDigits: getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn),
maximumFractionDigits: getTokenDecimals(selectedTokenIn, whitelistedAssets),
: '-'}
@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
import {
} from '@marsprotocol/wallet-connector'
import { ChainInfoID, SimpleChainInfoList, useWalletManager } from '@marsprotocol/wallet-connector'
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
import classNames from 'classnames'
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import useClipboard from 'react-use-clipboard'
@ -11,7 +7,8 @@ import useClipboard from 'react-use-clipboard'
import { Button, CircularProgress, FormattedNumber, Text } from 'components'
import { Check, Copy, ExternalLink, Osmo, Wallet } from 'components/Icons'
import { Overlay } from 'components/Overlay'
import { useTokenBalance } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAllBalances } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useNetworkConfigStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { formatValue, truncate } from 'utils/formatters'
export const ConnectedButton = () => {
@ -19,18 +16,22 @@ export const ConnectedButton = () => {
// ---------------
const { disconnect } = useWalletManager()
const { chainInfo, address, name } = useWallet()
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const chainInfo = useWalletStore((s) => s.chainInfo)
const name = useWalletStore((s) => s.name)
const baseAsset = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.base)
// ---------------
// ---------------
const { data } = useTokenBalance()
const { data } = useAllBalances()
// ---------------
// ---------------
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false)
const [showDetails, setShowDetails] = useState(false)
const [walletAmount, setWalletAmount] = useState(0)
const [isCopied, setCopied] = useClipboard(address || '', {
successDuration: 1000 * 5,
@ -52,6 +53,14 @@ export const ConnectedButton = () => {
}, [address, name, chainInfo])
useEffect(() => {
BigNumber(data?.find((balance) => balance.denom === baseAsset.denom)?.amount ?? 0)
.div(10 ** baseAsset.decimals)
}, [data, baseAsset.denom, baseAsset.decimals])
return (
<div className={'relative'}>
{chainInfo?.chainId !== ChainInfoID.Osmosis1 && (
@ -90,7 +99,7 @@ export const ConnectedButton = () => {
{!isLoading ? (
`${formatValue(data, 2, 2, true, false, ` ${chainInfo?.stakeCurrency?.coinDenom}`)}`
`${formatValue(walletAmount, 2, 2, true, false, ` ${baseAsset.symbol}`)}`
) : (
<CircularProgress size={12} />
@ -101,13 +110,13 @@ export const ConnectedButton = () => {
<div className='flex-0 mb-4 flex w-full flex-nowrap items-start'>
<div className='flex w-auto flex-1'>
<div className='mr-2 flex h-[31px] items-end pb-0.5 text-secondary-dark text-base-caps'>
<div className='flex-0 flex flex-wrap justify-end'>
className='flex items-end text-2xl text-secondary-dark'
@ -5,22 +5,24 @@ import { FC } from 'react'
import { CircularProgress } from 'components'
import { buttonColorClasses, buttonSizeClasses, buttonVariantClasses } from 'components/Button'
import { Close } from 'components/Icons'
import KeplrImage from 'images/keplr-wallet-extension.png'
import WalletConnectImage from 'images/walletconnect-keplr.png'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
// TODO: get networkConfig source dynamically
import { networkConfig } from 'config/osmo-test-4'
import KeplrImage from 'images/wallets/keplr-wallet-extension.png'
import WalletConnectImage from 'images/wallets/walletconnect-keplr.png'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
type Props = {
children?: React.ReactNode
export const WalletConnectProvider: FC<Props> = ({ children }) => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
return (
[ChainInfoID.OsmosisTestnet]: {
rpc: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-rpc',
rest: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-lcd',
rpc: networkConfig.rpcUrl,
rest: networkConfig.restUrl,
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
// https://github.com/mars-protocol/rover/blob/master/scripts/deploy/addresses/osmo-test-4.json
export const roverContracts = {
accountNft: 'osmo1xvne7u9svgy9vtqtqnaet4nvn8zcpp984zzrlezfzgk4798tps8srkf5wa',
mockVault: 'osmo1yqgjaehalz0pv5j22fdnaaekuprlggd7hth8m66jmdxe58ztqs4sjqtrlk',
marsOracleAdapter: 'osmo1tlad2hj9rm7az7atx2qq8pdpl2007hrhpzua42j8wgxr0kc0ct4sahuyh7',
swapper: 'osmo15kxcpvjaqlrj8ezecnghf2qs2x87veqx0fcemye0jpdr8jq7qkvsnyvuuf',
mockZapper: 'osmo1axad429tgnvzvfax08s4ytmf7ndg0f9z4jy355zyh4m6nasgtnzs5aw8u7',
creditManager: 'osmo1krz37p6xkkyu0f240enyt4ccxk7ds69kfgc5pnldsmpmmuvn3vpsnmpjaf',
export const contractAddresses = {
redBank: 'osmo1g30recyv8pfy3qd4qn3dn7plc0rn5z68y5gn32j39e96tjhthzxsw3uvvu',
oracle: 'osmo1hkkx42777dyfz7wc8acjjhfdh9x2ugcjvdt7shtft6ha9cn420cquz3u3j',
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { ChainInfoID } from '@marsprotocol/wallet-connector'
const Assets: { [key: string]: Asset } = {
osmo: {
symbol: 'OSMO',
name: 'Osmosis',
denom: 'uosmo',
color: '#9f1ab9',
decimals: 6,
hasOraclePrice: true,
logo: '/tokens/osmo.svg',
atom: {
symbol: 'ATOM',
name: 'Atom',
denom: 'ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2',
color: '#6f7390',
logo: '/tokens/atom.svg',
decimals: 6,
hasOraclePrice: true,
cro: {
symbol: 'CRO',
name: 'Cronos',
denom: 'ibc/E6931F78057F7CC5DA0FD6CEF82FF39373A6E0452BF1FD76910B93292CF356C1',
color: '#002D74',
logo: '/tokens/cro.svg',
decimals: 8,
hasOraclePrice: true,
const OtherAssets: { [key: string]: OtherAsset } = {
mars: {
symbol: 'MARS',
name: 'Mars',
denom: 'ibc/EA3E1640F9B1532AB129A571203A0B9F789A7F14BB66E350DCBFA18E1A1931F0',
//denom: 'ibc/1BF910A3C8A30C8E3331764FA0113B920AE14B913F487DF7E1989FD75EFE61FD'
color: '#a03b45',
logo: '/tokens/mars.svg',
decimals: 6,
hasOraclePrice: true,
poolId: 601,
export const networkConfig: NetworkConfig = {
name: ChainInfoID.OsmosisTestnet,
hiveUrl: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-hive/graphql',
rpcUrl: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-rpc',
restUrl: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-lcd',
contracts: {
accountNft: 'osmo1xvne7u9svgy9vtqtqnaet4nvn8zcpp984zzrlezfzgk4798tps8srkf5wa',
mockVault: 'osmo1yqgjaehalz0pv5j22fdnaaekuprlggd7hth8m66jmdxe58ztqs4sjqtrlk',
marsOracleAdapter: 'osmo1tlad2hj9rm7az7atx2qq8pdpl2007hrhpzua42j8wgxr0kc0ct4sahuyh7',
swapper: 'osmo15kxcpvjaqlrj8ezecnghf2qs2x87veqx0fcemye0jpdr8jq7qkvsnyvuuf',
mockZapper: 'osmo1axad429tgnvzvfax08s4ytmf7ndg0f9z4jy355zyh4m6nasgtnzs5aw8u7',
creditManager: 'osmo1krz37p6xkkyu0f240enyt4ccxk7ds69kfgc5pnldsmpmmuvn3vpsnmpjaf',
redBank: 'osmo1g30recyv8pfy3qd4qn3dn7plc0rn5z68y5gn32j39e96tjhthzxsw3uvvu',
oracle: 'osmo1hkkx42777dyfz7wc8acjjhfdh9x2ugcjvdt7shtft6ha9cn420cquz3u3j',
assets: {
base: Assets.osmo,
whitelist: [Assets.osmo, Assets.atom, Assets.cro],
other: [OtherAssets.mars],
appUrl: 'https://testnet.osmosis.zone',
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
type Token = {
denom: string
symbol: string
decimals: number
icon: string
chain: string
export const tokenInfo: { [key in string]: Token } = {
uosmo: {
denom: 'uosmo',
symbol: 'OSMO',
decimals: 6,
icon: '/tokens/osmo.svg',
chain: 'Osmosis',
'ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2': {
denom: 'ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2',
symbol: 'ATOM',
icon: '/tokens/atom.svg',
decimals: 6,
chain: 'Cosmos',
'ibc/E6931F78057F7CC5DA0FD6CEF82FF39373A6E0452BF1FD76910B93292CF356C1': {
denom: 'ibc/E6931F78057F7CC5DA0FD6CEF82FF39373A6E0452BF1FD76910B93292CF356C1',
symbol: 'CRO',
icon: '/tokens/cro.jpg',
decimals: 8,
chain: 'Crypto.org',
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useSettings } from 'stores'
import { useSettingsStore } from 'stores'
export const useAnimations = () => {
const enableAnimations = useSettings((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const enableAnimations = useSettingsStore((s) => s.enableAnimations)
const queryChangeHandler = (event: MediaQueryListEvent) => {
useSettings.setState({ enableAnimations: !event?.matches ?? true })
useSettingsStore.setState({ enableAnimations: !event?.matches ?? true })
useEffect(() => {
const mediaQuery: MediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)')
if (mediaQuery) {
useSettings.setState({ enableAnimations: !mediaQuery.matches })
useSettingsStore.setState({ enableAnimations: !mediaQuery.matches })
mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', queryChangeHandler)
return () => mediaQuery.removeEventListener('change', queryChangeHandler)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useCreditAccountPositions, useMarkets, useTokenPrices } from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore } from 'stores'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { formatBalances } from 'utils/balances'
export const useBalances = () => {
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ export const useBalances = () => {
const { data: marketsData } = useMarkets()
const { data: tokenPrices } = useTokenPrices()
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const { data: positionsData, isLoading: isLoadingPositions } = useCreditAccountPositions(
selectedAccount ?? '',
@ -18,15 +19,15 @@ export const useBalances = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const balances =
positionsData?.coins && tokenPrices
? formatBalances(positionsData.coins, tokenPrices, false)
? formatBalances(positionsData.coins, tokenPrices, false, whitelistedAssets)
: []
const debtBalances =
positionsData?.debts && tokenPrices
? formatBalances(positionsData.debts, tokenPrices, true, marketsData)
? formatBalances(positionsData.debts, tokenPrices, true, whitelistedAssets, marketsData)
: []
setBalanceData([...balances, ...debtBalances])
}, [positionsData, marketsData, tokenPrices])
}, [positionsData, marketsData, tokenPrices, whitelistedAssets])
return balanceData
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import {
} from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore } from 'stores'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { getTokenDecimals } from 'utils/tokens'
const getApproximateHourlyInterest = (amount: string, borrowAPY: string) => {
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ const getApproximateHourlyInterest = (amount: string, borrowAPY: string) => {
export const useCalculateMaxBorrowAmount = (denom: string, isUnderCollateralized: boolean) => {
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const { data: positionsData } = useCreditAccountPositions(selectedAccount ?? '')
const { data: marketsData } = useMarkets()
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ export const useCalculateMaxBorrowAmount = (denom: string, isUnderCollateralized
}, 0)
const borrowTokenPrice = tokenPrices[denom]
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(denom)
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets)
let maxAmountCapacity
if (isUnderCollateralized) {
@ -76,7 +77,10 @@ export const useCalculateMaxBorrowAmount = (denom: string, isUnderCollateralized
const marketLiquidity = redbankBalances?.[denom] ?? 0
const marketLiquidity = BigNumber(
redbankBalances?.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase())?.amount ||
const maxBorrowAmount = maxAmountCapacity.gt(marketLiquidity)
? marketLiquidity
@ -96,5 +100,6 @@ export const useCalculateMaxBorrowAmount = (denom: string, isUnderCollateralized
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import {
} from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore } from 'stores'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { getTokenDecimals } from 'utils/tokens'
const getApproximateHourlyInterest = (amount: string, borrowAPY: string) => {
@ -18,13 +18,14 @@ const getApproximateHourlyInterest = (amount: string, borrowAPY: string) => {
export const useCalculateMaxWithdrawAmount = (denom: string, borrow: boolean) => {
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const { data: positionsData } = useCreditAccountPositions(selectedAccount ?? '')
const { data: marketsData } = useMarkets()
const { data: tokenPrices } = useTokenPrices()
const { data: redbankBalances } = useRedbankBalances()
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(denom)
const tokenDecimals = getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets)
const getTokenValue = useCallback(
(amount: string, denom: string) => {
@ -101,7 +102,10 @@ export const useCalculateMaxWithdrawAmount = (denom: string, borrow: boolean) =>
maxAmountCapacity = maxAmountCapacity < 0 ? 0 : maxAmountCapacity
const marketLiquidity = redbankBalances?.[denom] ?? 0
const marketLiquidity = BigNumber(
redbankBalances?.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase())?.amount ||
const maxWithdrawAmount = BigNumber(maxAmountCapacity).gt(marketLiquidity)
? marketLiquidity
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import {
} from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
import { hardcodedFee } from 'utils/contants'
@ -14,17 +18,13 @@ const executeMsg = {
export const useCreateCreditAccount = () => {
const signingClient = useWalletStore((s) => s.signingClient)
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const creditManagerAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.creditManager)
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
return useMutation(
async () =>
await signingClient?.execute(
address ?? '',
await signingClient?.execute(address ?? '', creditManagerAddress, executeMsg, hardcodedFee),
onSettled: () => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries(queryKeys.creditAccounts(address ?? ''))
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export const useCreateCreditAccount = () => {
// TODO: is there some better way to parse response to extract token id???
const createdID = data.logs[0].events[2].attributes[6].value
useAccountDetailsStore.setState({ selectedAccount: createdID })
toast.success('New account created')
useModalStore.setState({ fundAccountModal: true })
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { useNetworkConfigStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
import { hardcodedFee } from 'utils/contants'
export const useDeleteCreditAccount = (accountId: string) => {
const signingClient = useWalletStore((s) => s.signingClient)
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const accountNftAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.accountNft)
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export const useDeleteCreditAccount = (accountId: string) => {
async () =>
await signingClient?.execute(
address ?? '',
burn: {
token_id: accountId,
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { toast } from 'react-toastify'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { useNetworkConfigStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
import { hardcodedFee } from 'utils/contants'
@ -16,6 +15,7 @@ export const useDepositCreditAccount = (
) => {
const signingClient = useWalletStore((s) => s.signingClient)
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const creditManagerAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.creditManager)
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export const useDepositCreditAccount = (
async () =>
await signingClient?.execute(
address ?? '',
update_credit_account: {
account_id: accountId,
@ -5,6 +5,5 @@ export { useCreditAccountPositions } from './useCreditAccountPositions'
export { useCreditAccounts } from './useCreditAccounts'
export { useMarkets } from './useMarkets'
export { useRedbankBalances } from './useRedbankBalances'
export { useTokenBalance } from './useTokenBalance'
export { useTokenPrices } from './useTokenPrices'
// @endindex
@ -1,27 +1,48 @@
import { Coin } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import request, { gql } from 'graphql-request'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { useNetworkConfigStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
type Result = {
balances: { amount: string; denom: string }[]
interface UserBalanceData {
balance: {
balance: Coin[]
export const useAllBalances = () => {
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const hiveUrl = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.hiveUrl)
const result = useQuery<Result>(
const result = useQuery<UserBalanceData>(
queryKeys.allBalances(address ?? ''),
() => fetch(`${chain.rest}/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${address}`).then((res) => res.json()),
async () => {
return await request(
query UserBalanceQuery {
balance: bank {
address: "${address}"
) {
enabled: !!address,
staleTime: Infinity,
enabled: !!hiveUrl && !!address,
staleTime: 30000,
refetchInterval: 30000,
return {
data: result?.data?.balances,
data: useMemo(() => result.data && result.data.balance.balance, [result.data]),
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { useNetworkConfigStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
type Result = string[]
@ -12,10 +11,11 @@ const queryMsg = {
export const useAllowedCoins = () => {
const client = useWalletStore((s) => s.signingClient)
const creditManagerAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.creditManager)
const result = useQuery<Result>(
async () => client?.queryContractSmart(contractAddresses.creditManager, queryMsg),
async () => client?.queryContractSmart(creditManagerAddress, queryMsg),
enabled: !!client,
staleTime: Infinity,
@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ import { Coin } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { useNetworkConfigStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
interface DebtAmount {
@ -27,11 +26,12 @@ interface Result {
export const useCreditAccountPositions = (accountId: string) => {
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const client = useWalletStore((s) => s.signingClient)
const creditManagerAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.creditManager)
const result = useQuery<Result>(
async () =>
client?.queryContractSmart(contractAddresses.creditManager, {
client?.queryContractSmart(creditManagerAddress, {
positions: {
account_id: accountId,
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore, useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
type Result = {
@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ export const useCreditAccounts = () => {
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const client = useWalletStore((s) => s.signingClient)
const selectedAccount = useAccountDetailsStore((s) => s.selectedAccount)
const accountNftAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.accountNft)
const setSelectedAccount = (account: string) => {
useAccountDetailsStore.setState({ selectedAccount: account })
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export const useCreditAccounts = () => {
const result = useQuery<Result>(
queryKeys.creditAccounts(address ?? ''),
async () => client?.queryContractSmart(contractAddresses.accountNft, queryMsg),
async () => client?.queryContractSmart(accountNftAddress, queryMsg),
staleTime: Infinity,
enabled: !!address && !!client,
@ -1,57 +1,48 @@
import { Coin } from '@cosmjs/stargate'
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import request, { gql } from 'graphql-request'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
interface Result {
data: {
bank: {
balance: Coin[]
bank: {
balance: Coin[]
const fetchBalances = () => {
return fetch(chain.hive, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
query: `
query RedbankBalances {
bank {
address: "${contractAddresses.redBank}"
) {
}).then((res) => res.json())
export const useRedbankBalances = () => {
const result = useQuery<Result>(queryKeys.redbankBalances(), fetchBalances)
const hiveUrl = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.hiveUrl)
const redBankAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.redBank)
const result = useQuery<Result>(
async () => {
return await request(
query RedbankBalances {
bank {
address: "${redBankAddress}"
) {
enabled: !!hiveUrl && !!redBankAddress,
staleTime: 30000,
refetchInterval: 30000,
return {
data: useMemo(() => {
if (!result.data) return
return result.data?.data.bank.balance.reduce(
(acc, coin) => ({
[coin.denom]: coin.amount,
) as { [key in string]: string }
}, [result.data]),
data: useMemo(() => result.data && result.data.bank.balance, [result.data]),
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
import { useWalletStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
type Result = {
balance: {
amount: number
denom: string
export const useTokenBalance = (denom?: string) => {
const address = useWalletStore((s) => s.address)
const result = useQuery<Result>(
queryKeys.tokenBalance(address ?? '', denom || chain.stakeCurrency.coinMinimalDenom),
async () =>
denom || chain.stakeCurrency.coinMinimalDenom
).then((res) => res.json()),
enabled: !!address,
return {
data: result?.data
? BigNumber(result.data.balance.amount)
.div(10 ** chain.stakeCurrency.coinDecimals)
: 0,
@ -2,23 +2,22 @@ import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { gql, request } from 'graphql-request'
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { tokenInfo } from 'config/tokenInfo'
import { useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { queryKeys } from 'types/query-keys-factory'
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
const tokenInfoList = Object.values(tokenInfo)
// TODO: build gql query dynamically on whitelisted tokens
const fetchTokenPrices = () => {
const fetchTokenPrices = async (
hiveUrl: string,
whitelistedTokens: Asset[],
oracleAddress: string,
) => {
return request(
query PriceOracle {
prices: wasm {
${tokenInfoList.map((token) => {
${whitelistedTokens.map((token) => {
return `${token.symbol}: contractQuery(
contractAddress: "${contractAddresses.oracle}"
contractAddress: "${oracleAddress}"
query: {
price: {
denom: "${token.denom}"
@ -33,10 +32,17 @@ const fetchTokenPrices = () => {
export const useTokenPrices = () => {
const result = useQuery<TokenPricesResult>(queryKeys.tokenPrices(), fetchTokenPrices, {
refetchInterval: 30000,
staleTime: Infinity,
const hiveUrl = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.hiveUrl)
const whitelistedTokens = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const oracleAddress = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.contracts.oracle)
const result = useQuery<TokenPricesResult>(
async () => await fetchTokenPrices(hiveUrl, whitelistedTokens, oracleAddress),
refetchInterval: 30000,
staleTime: Infinity,
return {
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.9 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 KiB |
@ -19,8 +19,30 @@ const App = ({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) => {
return (
<title>Mars V2</title>
<link rel='icon' href='/favicon.svg' />
<title>Mars Protocol V2</title>
<meta charSet='utf-8' />
<link href='/favicon.svg' rel='icon' />
<link href='/apple-touch-icon.png' rel='apple-touch-icon' sizes='180x180' />
<link href='/site.webmanifest' rel='manifest' />
<link color='#dd5b65' href='/safari-pinned-tab.svg' rel='mask-icon' />
<meta content='index,follow' name='robots' />
content="Lend, borrow and earn on the galaxy's most powerful credit protocol or enter the Fields of Mars for advanced DeFi strategies."
<meta content='summary_large_image' name='twitter:card' />
<meta content='@mars_protocol' name='twitter:site' />
<meta content='@mars_protocol' name='twitter:creator' />
<meta content='https://osmosis.marsprotocol.io' property='og:url' />
<meta content='Mars Protocol V2 - Powered by Osmosis' property='og:title' />
content="Lend, borrow and earn on the galaxy's most powerful credit protocol or enter the Fields of Mars for advanced DeFi strategies."
<meta content='https://osmosis.marsprotocol.io/banner.png' property='og:image' />
<meta content='Mars Protocol V2' property='og:site_name' />
<meta content='#ffffff' name='msapplication-TileColor' />
<meta content='#ffffff' name='theme-color' />
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import { useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'
import { BorrowModal, Card, RepayModal, Text } from 'components'
import { BorrowTable } from 'components/Borrow'
import { useAccountDetailsStore } from 'stores'
import { getTokenDecimals, getTokenInfo } from 'utils/tokens'
import {
@ -12,6 +10,8 @@ import {
} from 'hooks/queries'
import { useAccountDetailsStore, useNetworkConfigStore } from 'stores'
import { getTokenDecimals, getTokenInfo } from 'utils/tokens'
type ModalState = {
show: 'borrow' | 'repay' | false
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ type ModalState = {
const Borrow = () => {
const whitelistedAssets = useNetworkConfigStore((s) => s.assets.whitelist)
const [modalState, setModalState] = useState<ModalState>({
show: false,
data: { tokenDenom: '' },
@ -53,22 +55,25 @@ const Borrow = () => {
?.filter((denom) => borrowedAssetsMap.has(denom))
.map((denom) => {
const { symbol, chain, icon } = getTokenInfo(denom)
const { symbol, name, logo } = getTokenInfo(denom, whitelistedAssets)
const borrowRate = Number(marketsData?.[denom].borrow_rate) || 0
const marketLiquidity = BigNumber(redbankBalances?.[denom] ?? 0)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom))
const marketLiquidity = BigNumber(
redbankBalances?.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase())
?.amount || 0,
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets))
const borrowAmount = BigNumber(borrowedAssetsMap.get(denom) as string)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets))
const borrowValue = borrowAmount * (tokenPrices?.[denom] ?? 0)
const rowData = {
borrowed: {
amount: borrowAmount,
value: borrowValue,
@ -83,17 +88,20 @@ const Borrow = () => {
?.filter((denom) => !borrowedAssetsMap.has(denom))
.map((denom) => {
const { symbol, chain, icon } = getTokenInfo(denom)
const { symbol, name, logo } = getTokenInfo(denom, whitelistedAssets)
const borrowRate = Number(marketsData?.[denom].borrow_rate) || 0
const marketLiquidity = BigNumber(redbankBalances?.[denom] ?? 0)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom))
const marketLiquidity = BigNumber(
redbankBalances?.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase())
?.amount || 0,
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets))
const rowData = {
borrowed: null,
@ -102,7 +110,14 @@ const Borrow = () => {
return rowData
}) ?? [],
}, [allowedCoinsData, borrowedAssetsMap, marketsData, redbankBalances, tokenPrices])
}, [
const handleBorrowClick = (denom: string) => {
setModalState({ show: 'borrow', data: { tokenDenom: denom } })
@ -131,7 +146,7 @@ const Borrow = () => {
<Text tag='h3' size='xl' uppercase className='mb-7 text-center text-lg-caps'>
<Text tag='h3' size='xl' uppercase className='mb-7 text-center'>
Available to Borrow
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
// @index(['./*.tsx'], f => `export { ${f.name} } from '${f.path}'`)
export { useAccountDetailsStore } from './useAccountDetailsStore'
export { useModalStore } from './useModalStore'
export { useSettings } from './useSettings'
export { useNetworkConfigStore } from './useNetworkConfigStore'
export { useSettingsStore } from './useSettingsStore'
export { useWalletStore } from './useWalletStore'
// @endindex
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import create from 'zustand'
import { networkConfig } from 'config/osmo-test-4'
// TODO: Create dynamic network import
export const useNetworkConfigStore = create<NetworkConfig>()(() => {
return networkConfig
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ interface SettingsStore {
enableAnimations: boolean
export const useSettings = create<SettingsStore>()(() => ({
export const useSettingsStore = create<SettingsStore>()(() => ({
enableAnimations: true,
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {
} from '@marsprotocol/wallet-connector'
import create from 'zustand'
import { contractAddresses } from 'config/contracts'
import { networkConfig } from 'config/osmo-test-4'
import { MarsAccountNftClient } from 'types/generated/mars-account-nft/MarsAccountNft.client'
import { MarsCreditManagerClient } from 'types/generated/mars-credit-manager/MarsCreditManager.client'
import { MarsSwapperBaseClient } from 'types/generated/mars-swapper-base/MarsSwapperBase.client'
@ -40,22 +40,23 @@ export const useWalletStore = create<WalletStore>()((set, get) => ({
status: WalletConnectionStatus.ReadyForConnection,
clients: {},
actions: {
// TODO: work with slices in one global store instead
initClients: (address, signingClient) => {
if (!signingClient) return
const accountNft = new MarsAccountNftClient(
const creditManager = new MarsCreditManagerClient(
const swapperBase = new MarsSwapperBaseClient(
set(() => ({
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
export enum ChainId {
Mainnet = 'injective-1',
Testnet = 'injective-888',
Devnet = 'injective-777',
export enum Wallet {
Metamask = 'metamask',
Ledger = 'ledger',
LedgerLegacy = 'ledger-legacy',
Trezor = 'trezor',
Keplr = 'keplr',
Torus = 'torus',
WalletConnect = 'wallet-connect',
export enum CosmosChainId {
Injective = 'injective-1',
Osmosis = 'osmosis-1',
export enum TestnetCosmosChainId {
Osmosis = 'osmo-test-4',
Cosmoshub = 'cosmoshub-testnet',
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
interface Asset {
color: string
name: string
denom: string
symbol: 'OSMO' | 'ATOM' | 'CRO'
contract_addr?: string
logo: string
decimals: number
hasOraclePrice: boolean
poolId?: number
interface OtherAsset extends Omit<Asset, 'symbol'> {
symbol: 'MARS'
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
interface NetworkConfig {
name: string
hiveUrl: string
rpcUrl: string
restUrl: string
contracts: {
accountNft: string
mockVault: string
marsOracleAdapter: string
swapper: string
mockZapper: string
creditManager: string
redBank: string
oracle: string
assets: {
base: Asset
whitelist: Asset[]
other: OtherAsset[]
appUrl: string
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
import { bech32 } from 'bech32'
import { Address } from 'ethereumjs-util'
export const getInjectiveAddress = (address: string): string => {
const addressBuffer = Address.fromString(address.toString()).toBuffer()
return bech32.encode('inj', bech32.toWords(addressBuffer))
export const getAddressFromInjectiveAddress = (address: string): string => {
if (address.startsWith('0x')) {
return address
return `0x${Buffer.from(bech32.fromWords(bech32.decode(address).words)).toString('hex')}`
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ export const formatBalances = (
positionData: Coin[],
tokenPrices: KeyValuePair,
debt: boolean,
whitelistedAssets: Asset[],
marketsData?: MarketData,
): PositionsData[] => {
const balances: PositionsData[] = []
@ -14,16 +15,16 @@ export const formatBalances = (
positionData.forEach((coin) => {
const dataEntry: PositionsData = {
asset: {
amount: getTokenSymbol(coin.denom),
amount: getTokenSymbol(coin.denom, whitelistedAssets),
type: debt ? 'debt' : undefined,
value: {
amount: getTokenTotalUSDValue(coin.amount, coin.denom, tokenPrices),
amount: getTokenTotalUSDValue(coin.amount, coin.denom, whitelistedAssets, tokenPrices),
format: 'number',
prefix: '$',
size: {
amount: lookup(coin.amount, coin.denom),
amount: lookup(coin.amount, coin.denom, whitelistedAssets),
format: 'number',
maxDecimals: 4,
minDecimals: 0,
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
export const chainsInfo = {
Injective: {
chainId: 'injective-1',
rpc: 'https://tm.injective.network',
rest: 'https://lcd.injective.network',
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'INJ',
coinMinimalDenom: 'inj',
coinDecimals: 18,
coinGeckoId: 'injective-protocol',
coinImageUrl: '/tokens/injective.svg',
// works
// rest: "https://lcd.injective.network",
InjectiveTestnet: {
chainId: 'injective-888',
// need to check
rpc: 'https://testnet.tm.injective.dev',
rest: 'https://testnet.lcd.injective.dev',
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'INJ',
coinMinimalDenom: 'inj',
coinDecimals: 18,
coinGeckoId: 'injective-protocol',
coinImageUrl: '/tokens/injective.svg',
Osmosis: {
chainId: 'osmosis-1',
rpc: 'https://rpc.osmosis.zone',
rest: 'https://lcd.osmosis.zone',
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'OSMO',
coinMinimalDenom: 'uosmo',
coinDecimals: 6,
coinGeckoId: 'osmosis',
coinImageUrl: '/tokens/osmo.svg',
OsmosisTestnet: {
chainId: 'osmo-test-4',
rpc: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-rpc',
rest: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-lcd',
hive: 'https://osmosis-delphi-testnet-1.simply-vc.com.mt/XF32UOOU55CX/osmosis-hive/graphql',
stakeCurrency: {
coinDenom: 'OSMO',
coinMinimalDenom: 'uosmo',
coinDecimals: 6,
coinGeckoId: 'osmosis',
coinImageUrl: '/tokens/osmo.svg',
export const chain = chainsInfo.OsmosisTestnet
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import { chain } from 'utils/chains'
// StdFee
// TODO: decide some strategy to handle fees
export const hardcodedFee = {
amount: [
denom: chain.stakeCurrency.coinMinimalDenom,
denom: 'uosmo',
amount: '100000',
@ -20,20 +20,21 @@ export const formatCurrency = (value: string | number) => {
export const getTokenTotalUSDValue = (
amount: string,
denom: string,
whitelistedAssets: Asset[],
tokenPrices?: KeyValuePair,
) => {
if (!tokenPrices) return 0
return (
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets))
.toNumber() * tokenPrices[denom]
export const lookup = (amount: string | number, denom: string) => {
export const lookup = (amount: string | number, denom: string, whitelistedAssets: Asset[]) => {
return BigNumber(amount)
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom))
.div(10 ** getTokenDecimals(denom, whitelistedAssets))
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
import { tokenInfo } from 'config/tokenInfo'
import { networkConfig } from 'config/osmo-test-4'
export const getTokenSymbol = (denom: string) => {
return tokenInfo[denom]?.symbol ?? denom
export const getTokenSymbol = (denom: string, whitelistedAssets: Asset[]) =>
whitelistedAssets.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase())?.symbol || ''
export const getTokenDecimals = (denom: string) => {
return tokenInfo[denom]?.decimals ?? 6
export const getTokenDecimals = (denom: string, whitelistedAssets: Asset[]) =>
whitelistedAssets.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase())?.decimals ||
export const getTokenIcon = (denom: string) => {
return tokenInfo[denom].icon
export const getTokenIcon = (denom: string, whitelistedAssets: Asset[]) =>
whitelistedAssets.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase())?.logo || ''
export const getTokenInfo = (denom: string) => {
return tokenInfo[denom]
export const getTokenInfo = (denom: string, whitelistedAssets: Asset[]) =>
whitelistedAssets.find((asset) => asset.denom.toLowerCase() === denom.toLowerCase()) ||
@ -2625,10 +2625,10 @@
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