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Jackal Foundation

What is the Jackal Foundation?

The Jackal Community is anchored by the Jackal Foundation. A non-profit organization that drives the direction of development by researching and testing software, supporting projects, and ensuring decentralization.

What is the scope of the Jackal Foundation?

  • Maintain the Jackal Protocol.

  • Fund ecosystem development.

  • Create and manage Jackal Collectives.

  • Manage the core governance of the Jackal Protocol.

  • Represent and enforce changes made through the governance process.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/contributors/join.html b/docs/contributors/join.html index 35d45a8..30c3dd9 100644 --- a/docs/contributors/join.html +++ b/docs/contributors/join.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Join the Community! | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Join the Community!

The Jackal Community is open to all.

The Jackal Protocol is a transparent, open source, and community-driven project. We welcome all who want to help build a self-custodial and secure digital future.

To contribute; please join below.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/contributors/labs.html b/docs/contributors/labs.html index 5ec5052..2ecda54 100644 --- a/docs/contributors/labs.html +++ b/docs/contributors/labs.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Jackal Labs | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Jackal Labs

Who is Jackal Labs?

Jackal Labs is a Canadian software development company that contributed to the early development of the Jackal Protocol. Jackal Labs does not own or operate the Jackal Protocol as it is decentralized and autonomous. Jackal Labs proposes changes to the Jackal Protocol through on-chain governance.

What is the scope of Jackal Labs?

  • Contribute to the early development of the Jackal Protocol.

  • Perform continuous research and development for the Protocol.

  • Propose changes to the protocol through governance.

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The Jackal Foundation often posts bounties which are tasks and projects that maintain the Jackal Protocol. Upon successful completion of a bounty, the reward will be released to the service provider. These bounties range in complexity from creating memes and blog publications to refactoring code.

TODO: To check out the Jackal Bounty Board, click HERE.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ecosystem/grants-funding.html b/docs/ecosystem/grants-funding.html index 2ed473a..78e9b1a 100644 --- a/docs/ecosystem/grants-funding.html +++ b/docs/ecosystem/grants-funding.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Grants and Funding | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Grants and Funding

The Jackal Foundation facilitates non-equity grants, seed funding, and beyond through our various funding programs. Ecosystem funding aims to focus on the following categories;

  • Research and Development
  • Infrastructure
  • Social Impact
  • dApps
  • Tooling
  • Services

For grants, applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria.

<100k100k - 200k200k+
One round of review.Two rounds of review.Interviews, formal committee review, full pitch.

For seed funding, the Jackal Foundation or Investment Network may support an ecosystem project with equity or token investments. For innovative founders that bring strategic value and adoption to the Jackal Ecosystem, please reach out directly to our team.

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Blockchain and web3 native software engineering teams often wish to become core contributors through a partnership with the Jackal Foundation. In a partnership role, the team would be assigned direct tasks and held to a high standard of execution, professionalism, and accountability. If your team desires to partner with the Jackal Foundation, please reach out directly, we look forward to working with you.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/explorer.html b/docs/explorer.html index 0b9cdb5..4f77367 100644 --- a/docs/explorer.html +++ b/docs/explorer.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Jackal Explorer | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Jackal Explorer

The Jackal Explorer is a “Light Explorer” that fetches data from Cosmos full node via LCD/RPC endpoints. This allows our users to explore transactions on the Jackal Blockchain.

TODO: Explorer How-To

Explorer Images

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/intro.html b/docs/intro.html index 3b6681e..4e84e48 100644 --- a/docs/intro.html +++ b/docs/intro.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Getting Started | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Getting Started

You’ve arrived at the Jackal Wiki! Thank you for taking the first steps towards a more secure, simple, and self-custodial digital experience.

The Jackal Protocol is open source and community-driven to facilitate a transparent and trustless system. This wiki is a one-stop shop with information on the protocol, usage, infrastructure, and opportunities.

The Jackal Wiki is maintained by Jackal Labs and the Jackal Foundation teams. We work tirelessly to maintain our documentation, but if you happen to stumble upon something out-of-date, please reach out to our teams so we can keep our documentation accurate in perpetuity.

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We recommend a minimum hardware requirement of:

  • 4 Cores (modern CPU's)
  • 32GB RAM
  • 1TB of storage (SSD or NVME)

We also recommend running an Ubuntu LTS OS as that is what the binaries have been tested against.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nodes/installation.html b/docs/nodes/installation.html index 9db6818..da71e81 100644 --- a/docs/nodes/installation.html +++ b/docs/nodes/installation.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Installing Canined | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Installing Canined


There are a few things needed before installing.

Installing Go

Follow more in-depth instructions to install Go v1.18.2 or higher here.

On Ububtu you can install it with:

wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.18.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.18.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Add these lines to the end of ~/.profile:

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin

Restarting the shell with youre profile settings or just rebasing them like so is required.

source ~/.profile

Building from Source

git clone https://github.com/JackalLabs/canine-chain.git
cd canine-chain
git fetch
git checkout <VERSION>

make install

From there you will be able to use canined, ex:

canined version
- +

Installing Canined


There are a few things needed before installing.

Installing Build Essentials

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential

Installing Go

Follow more in-depth instructions to install Go v1.18.2 or higher here.

On Ububtu you can install it with:

wget https://golang.org/dl/go1.18.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.18.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Add these lines to the end of ~/.profile:

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GO111MODULE=on
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin

Restarting the shell with youre profile settings or just rebasing them like so is required.

source ~/.profile

Building from Source

git clone https://github.com/JackalLabs/canine-chain.git
cd canine-chain
git fetch
git checkout <VERSION>

make install

From there you will be able to use canined, ex:

canined version

Creating a Service

You may want the daemon to run without you needing to supervise it. To turn the executable into a service follow these steps.

cd $HOME
echo "[Unit]
Description=Jackal Node
ExecStart=$(which canined) start
" > canined.service

sudo mv canined.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable canined.service

# Starting the service
sudo systemctl start canined.service

# Restarting the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart canined.service
+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nodes/mainnet.html b/docs/nodes/mainnet.html index 8d79acb..0038194 100644 --- a/docs/nodes/mainnet.html +++ b/docs/nodes/mainnet.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Joining Mainnet | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Joining Mainnet


Mainnet goes live on October 26th 2022! If you are here before that, these docs will not work!

After installing canined. You can join the mainnet by following these steps:

canined init <alias> --chain-id=<chain-id>

chain-id for mainnet is currently canine-1.

Then we want to replace our generated genesis file with the one used to start the network.

wget -O ~/.canine/config/genesis.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JackalLabs/woof/master/genesis/woof-final.json

As a validator, you'll need to set a minimum gas price like so:

sed -i.bak -e "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"$GAS\"/" $HOME/.canine/config/app.toml
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nodes/testnet.html b/docs/nodes/testnet.html index 88ded25..59ea5e8 100644 --- a/docs/nodes/testnet.html +++ b/docs/nodes/testnet.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Joining Testnet | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Joining Testnet

After installing canined. You can join the testnet by following these steps:

canined init <alias> --chain-id=<chain-id>

chain-id for testnet is currently canine-1.

Then we want to replace our generated genesis file with the one used to start the network. We also need to set our peers and seeds.

wget -O ~/.canine/config/genesis.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JackalLabs/woof/master/genesis/woof-final.json

export SEEDS="052c498dd1cc603b4d32f772035b6a8ca902def3@,0bdeaaa237b41e3b964a027a110c6ab5bf561177@,bf7ee27a24e7d5f45653206fbbda8c4b716b74b1@,9eecc498dd2542c862f5bfb84ed7d2e1e3d922ab@,bf62b185eef3c185f8ebf81d5cf54bdc064b21d8@,43e800018a5b52ba119a5410ff45cbeb63182cc8@,942087a9665e8235f8037d0b9d2a3f8a8c3d562b@,9d0094606fe8748f1c06b494f7c0cbbd44808ec6@,6071fe2fc7e4f49caa4b1fd1cfe19007152312e0@,3f58d7c35ad55ef6cea94f7aa2ffe79df1c01768@,46cb18ca32ad7329cb82a10316087794ef12150f@"
sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds *=.*/seeds = \"$SEEDS\"/" ~/.canine/config/config.toml

As a validator, you'll need to set a minimum gas price like so:

sed -i.bak -e "s/^minimum-gas-prices *=.*/minimum-gas-prices = \"$GAS\"/" $HOME/.canine/config/app.toml
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/nodes/validators/jackalwallet.html b/docs/nodes/validators/jackalwallet.html index f3dda74..6dd6d73 100644 --- a/docs/nodes/validators/jackalwallet.html +++ b/docs/nodes/validators/jackalwallet.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Jackal Wallet | Jackal Chain Docs - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/official-links/jackal-foundation.html b/docs/official-links/jackal-foundation.html index 8259d4e..18bc4cb 100644 --- a/docs/official-links/jackal-foundation.html +++ b/docs/official-links/jackal-foundation.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Jackal Foundation Links | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Jackal Foundation Links

Here are the official website links for Jackal Foundation. Please use and bookmark these links to reduce the likelihood of cyber phishing threats.

Jackal Foundation

Jackal Foundation Twitter

Website: Coming Soon

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/official-links/jackal-labs.html b/docs/official-links/jackal-labs.html index e66d50b..de7fbd2 100644 --- a/docs/official-links/jackal-labs.html +++ b/docs/official-links/jackal-labs.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Jackal Labs Links | Jackal Chain Docs - +

Jackal Labs Links

Here are the official website links for Jackal Labs. Please use and bookmark these links to reduce the likelihood of cyber phishing threats.

Jackal Labs

Jackal Labs Twitter

Website: Coming Soon

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/official-links/jackal-protocol.html b/docs/official-links/jackal-protocol.html index 3ee0426..549a764 100644 --- a/docs/official-links/jackal-protocol.html +++ b/docs/official-links/jackal-protocol.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ Jackal Protocol Links | Jackal Chain Docs - + - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/overview/jackal-tldr.html b/docs/overview/jackal-tldr.html index b2627dd..7f9f7ff 100644 --- a/docs/overview/jackal-tldr.html +++ b/docs/overview/jackal-tldr.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ What is the Jackal Protocol? | Jackal Chain Docs - +

What is the Jackal Protocol?

The Jackal Protocol is a fast, scalable, and secure blockchain that empowers individuals, developers, and enterprises to increase their data privacy and cybersecurity posture without sacrificing ease of use. This protocol strives to offer world-class applications to protect the planet’s most important data–your data.

Unlike other blockchains, the Jackal Protocol utilizes both validators and storage providers. The Jackal Protocol allows developers to build decentralized applications with the ability to interface with all Jackal Protocol Modules–including storage contracts and file structure. This allows developers to adjust the ownership of data, share data with other jackal users or smart contracts, and transfer small or large amounts of encrypted data without centralized storage providers or middleware. This data is always self-custodial meaning no one– not even the team at Jackal–can access or view your data.

This blockchain currently consists of seven modules: jklMint, lp, rns, wasm, storage, filetree and dsig. These interoperable modules allow for the creation of secure, scalable, and truly decentralized applications.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/overview/jkl.html b/docs/overview/jkl.html index be14b29..ff069c1 100644 --- a/docs/overview/jkl.html +++ b/docs/overview/jkl.html @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ What is the JKL Token? | Jackal Chain Docs - +

What is the JKL Token?

The JKL Token is the native token that powers the infrastructure of the Jackal Protocol and can be applied in a multitude of different ways.


Applications built on the Jackal Protocol, such as Jackal Storage and the RNS Marketplace may choose to leverage the JKL token to expand its utility.

Securing the Network

As the Jackal Protocol is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Cosmos L1 blockchain, JKL can be delegated to validators to secure the network and earn JKL rewards. Otherwise known as staking or staked tokens.

Transaction Fees

Transactions on the Jackal Protocol must be paid for using JKL. As the protocol is PoS, the cost of transactions is inexpensive.


Staked tokens grant on-chain governance participation within the Jackal Protocol to vote on text, software, spending, and other governance proposals.


The JKL token can act as collateral for validators, storage providers, and other smart contract use cases.

Liquidity Provision

JKL can be allocated into a liquidity pool to earn JKL rewards.

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Why would I use the Jackal Protocol?

Jackal users are empowered with a fast and scalable blockchain while having the ability to be self-custodial of their data. It may be hard to comprehend why many strive for high digital privacy and cyber security posture, so here is a community-compiled list of reasons people use the Jackal Protocol.

  • "I want a transparent, secure, and unified experience with web3."

  • "The same reason we think our phones are listening to us!"

  • "I want better cybersecurity but don’t want to change your passwords every month."

  • "Because I shouldn't have to give up ownership of all my personal information to access basic services on the Internet."

  • "I can't trust third parties that sell your data when 15 million people in the US alone experience identity theft with over 50 billion in financial losses!"

  • "Data breaches have exposed 14 billion of our records including passwords, usernames, emails, IP addresses, phone numbers, VINs, physical addresses, and more!"

  • "I believe in open-source, transparent, ethical and humane technology."

  • "It's empowering to own your data."

  • "Digital privacy is a fundamental human right and cybersecurity should be accessible to all."

  • "Third-party cookies or trackers are invasive and unnecessary."

  • "The only person that can sell my data is me."

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Jackal has two main features that rely on encryption techniques to keep user data private and secure. The two main models are file encryption and file-entry encryption. These reside in different locations within the protocol. The files themselves are stored on Storage Providers, which require files to be encrypted before they are transferred to those machines. The file entries are data structures living directly on-chain in the File Tree blockchain module, again needing to be encrypted on the client's device before being sent to the blockchain. The file encryption model is simply performed by taking the file as raw bytes and randomly generating a key in the user's client. This key is called a Symmetric Key. We then pass both the key and the file through AES256 encryption, which results in an encrypted file that can safely be sent to the Storage-Providers.

Protocol Overview

What is done with this key is equally important as the encryption performed on the file; if the key were made public, all encryption on the file itself would be naught. Therefore, we need to store this key somewhere safe and immutable. This safe place is the Jackal Chain, specifically the File Tree Module. The key is stored in the encrypted form alongside the file's location to make mapping each key to its respective file easy. To get this key into its encrypted form, we use an Integrated Encryption Scheme based on AES and the Elliptic Curve used to generate Bech32 Addresses [Reference]. To do this, the protocol takes a user's public key and encrypts the private key with it.

Protocol Overview

After this, the protocol ends up with an encrypted key that only the user whose public key was used can decrypt. When looking to decrypt a file, the process is reversed and instead uses the user's private key to decrypt the symmetric key. Following the retrieval of the symmetric key, we can decrypt the file stored on the Storage-Providers, leaving us with the originally uploaded file.

Protocol Overview

When sharing files, we can semi-repeat this process by first decrypting the key from the chain. Then we can grab the public key of an external user from the chain itself and encrypt the files with that key instead of our own. Finally, we append the newly encrypted symmetric key to the file entry giving that user access to the key.

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dsig Module


The dsig module is a digital signature service that allows users to collect signatures from multiple users who are registered on the Jackal Blockchain. Users can create 'forms' associated with a unique file stored on Jackal and can add signees (users) to collect their signatures. The signees have the following options to respond: Approve, Deny, Abstain, and No Response (Default). The form can execute a custom function after all users have voted to Approve the form.

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filetree Module


The File Tree module is responsible for keeping records of a user's files and organizing them in a way that is accessible. When a user uploads a file using the Storage module, the file is only accessible from the File ID (FID) which makes the process clunky and obtuse to remember every file uploaded to Jackal. Furthermore, every single upload would be required to be public, or the user would need to keep track of every symmetric key used to encrypt the files and manually map them to the FIDs. The solution to this is a tree structure storing each file as an entry in the tree. Organizing this structure is also trivial as we can assign children to pseudo files that we call folders. Finally to keep track of encryption keys, the protocol maps every file to its respective key.

Protocol Overview

Folder Abstraction

These, of course, are all abstractions of what’s actually under the hood. The File Tree module doesn’t actually handle any of the folder logic, the system believes it is storing files that act as metadata stores, which then update to reflect changes in folders. This gives the user experience the feeling that folders and files are separate entities in the tree, but in reality they are identical.

File Entry Structure

Storing file entries on-chain is a hurdle being that the chain itself is public. This requires the use of client-side encryption before uploading data to the chain itself. The main component of a file is location (Address), allowing users to query the rest of the data from the file. You can think of the location as a key in a traditional key-value store or a path in bucket-based storage. The address is hashed using SHA256 to ensure it is impossible to retrieve the plain-text representation of the file name, while still being able to query the file using its given name.

Protocol Overview

The second most important data point in a file is the content of the file, this field is extremely versatile as it can store any string. Traditionally this is used to store a JSON list of FIDs to point to a file on the Storage Module, however, the protocol can also theoretically use it to store short bits of text like encrypted passwords for a private password manager. The owner tag is a hashed version of the owner hiding what address owns each file, this field can be changed to reflect the transferral of ownership. When making changes to the file such as deletion, movement or adding/removing viewers/editors, the owner field is consulted to determine permissions. The same applies for edit access, editors can update the contents but nothing else.

Encrypted Viewing Access

For users to view files, they need access to the symmetric keys used to encrypt the files. To do this, the protocol has a map of hashed addresses with each user’s respective version of the symmetric key encrypted with that address's corresponding public key. The protocol can then store that map in the file entry to act as an encryption key discovery layer. The addresses in this viewing list are only able to access files and decrypt the data in their client, they have no privileges over the modification of the file entry in any way.

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jklmint Module


The Jackal Mint module is a replacement for the cosmos-sdk module: Mint. The key differences between this and the pre-existing minting module are that jklmint does not adjust inflation based on the rate of bonded tokens. At genesis, the jklmint module prints 10 JKL per block and distribute it to both the storage module and the default distribution module.

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lp Module


The lp module allows for a native automated market maker (AMM) liquidity pools (LP) to be built directly into the Jackal Blockchain. This allows for local prices for payment mechanisms without the need for oracles, along with the ability to swap tokens directly from the Jackal dashboard or the Jackal Swap service.

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rns Module


The rns module is a name service that allows users to manage human-readable names when interacting with the Jackal Blockchain. Users can register names, list names for sale, buy names on the marketplace, and place/accept bids from other users on their names.

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storage Module


Jackal Storage functions by a Proof-of-Storage algorithm we call Proof-of-Persistence. The Jackal Proof-of-Persistence (JPOP) works through a series of contracts formed between the storage provider and the user. These contracts contain the Merkle Tree root hash of the file and the information required to prove ownership of the file. Miners, or as well call them, Storage Providers, are responsible for posting Merkle Proofs within a challenge window determined by the blockchain. These challenge windows require the miner to post the raw data chunk of data corresponding to the index of the challenge window alongside the required Merkle Hashes to prove the data belongs to the Merkle Root stored on the contract. These challenge indexes are chosen at random by the blockchain using a block-hash-based random number generator paired with a random data oracle.

If a Storage Provider successfully posts a Merkle Proof within the challenge window for the contract and the data is verified by the Validators to be valid Merkle Proofs for the challenge index, the Storage Provider is paid out. Storage Provider rewards are proportional to the file size the contract is associated with relative to every other active contract on the network. If a Storage Provider fails to provide a valid proof within the allotted timeframe, the contract is struck with a missed proof. After (X) missed proofs, the contract is burned, and the user is alerted the next time they query the contract. For every contract burned through missing proofs, the Storage Provider is struck with a penalty that remains on their record for a period of time adjustable through governance.

Interaction Outline

A user first sends a file to an available Storage Provider. A list of Storage Providers can be found on the blockchain, and providers can deny any incoming request if they wish not to store new files. The Storage Provider, after receiving the entire file, keeps that file in memory and posts a contract to the blockchain. If the contract is not signed by the sender in X blocks (configurable by the Storage Provider), then the file is removed from memory, and the contract is burned. However, if the contract is signed by the user within the given blocks, the file is committed to the Storage Provider's hard storage, and the challenge windows start being created for the now active contract.

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wasm Module


Jackal incorporates the CosmWasm smart contracting platform built for the Cosmos Ecosystem. The primary programing language used in this module is Rust for building secure and multichain smart contracts, yet any language that can be compiled into WASM can be supported as they become available.

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Jackal Proof-of-Persistence

Jackal Storage functions by a Proof-of-Storage algorithm we call Proof-of-Persistence. The Jackal Proof-of-Persistence (JPOP) works through a series of contracts formed between the storage provider and the user. These contracts contain the Merkle Tree root hash of the file and the information required to prove ownership of the file. Storage Providers are responsible for posting Merkle Proofs within a challenge window determined by the blockchain. These challenge windows require the provider to post the raw chunk of data corresponding to the index of the challenge window alongside the required Merkle Hashes to prove the data belongs to the Merkle Root stored on the contract. These challenge indexes are chosen at random by the blockchain using a block-hash-based random number generator paired with a random data oracle.

If a Storage Provider successfully posts a Merkle Proof within the challenge window for the contract and the data is verified by the Validators to be valid Merkle Proofs for the challenge index, the Storage Provider is paid out. Storage Provider rewards are proportional to the file size the contract is associated with relative to every other active contract on the network. If a Storage Provider fails to provide a valid proof within the allotted time frame, the contract is struck with a missed proof. After X missed proofs, the contract is burned, and the User is alerted the next time they query the contract. For every contract burned through missing proofs, the Storage Provider is struck with a penalty that remains on their record for a period of time adjustable through governance.

Building the Trees

Merkle Trees are a core component of the JPOP mechanism, thus, it is important to outline how these trees are used to create efficient and trustworthy proofs. When saving a file for the first time, providers split each file into many 1kb chunks. Providers must also hash the entire file to create a folder to house every chunk, this is displayed by the following diagram.

File Tree

These chunks are used as leaves on the Merkle Tree defining each storage contract. Immediately after saving a file to disk, the storage provider builds a tree using each chunk. To create this tree, each chunk is hashed into a respective Hashed Chunk. These chunks are then recursively paired together and hashed until a single root node is created. This is called the Merkle Root, the only piece of data relative to a file that is saved directly on the blockchain itself.

Merkle Roots

In the diagram above, displays how each file is hashed together to create a single root node.

Proving Data Availability

These nodes are essential as they only require the nodes below them to prove they are part of the tree. This means that we can create a proof claiming a single chunk belongs to the file using the Merkle Root saved on the chain. In the following diagram, we can see that only the blue nodes are required to build a successful proof. The green nodes represent information that we can generate given the blue nodes. Finally, we can compare the root generated from the proof to the root saved on the chain and determine if the chunk does belong to the contract we are proving. This results in small message sizes due to not needing to send the entire file every proof.

Merkle Roots Graphed

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Casual Storage Build

You may be successful contributing to the network with an old computer you may have. If you are looking to purpose build a machine- here are the recommendations for casual a storage provider.

CPUAMD Ryzen 5 5600G 3.9 GHz 6-Core Processor.1
MotherboardMSI B450 Tomahawk Max ATX AM4 Motherboard.1
MemoryG.Skill Ripjaws V 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL 16 Memory1
StorageSeagate EXOS Enterprise 14 TB 3.5 7200 RPM Internal Hard Drive2
StorageKingston NV1 1 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive1
CaseCooler Master HAF XB EVO ATX Desktop Case1
Power SupplyEVGA SuperNOVA GA 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply1
Total Cost Estimate$1061.92 USD
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DIY Serious Build

For DIY individuals looking to power web3 infrastructure and increase your ROI- here is the recommended system for serious individual storage providers.

CPUAMD Ryzen 7 5700G 3.8 GHz 8-Core Processor1
MotherboardMSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX II ATX AM4 Motherboard1
MemoryG.Skill Ripjaws V 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR4-2666 CL18 Memory1
StorageKingston A400 960 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive1
StorageSeagate EXOS Enterprise 14 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive5
CaseCooler Master N400 ATX Mid Tower Case1
Power SupplyCorsair HX750 Platinum 750 W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply1
Case FanNoctua S12B redux-700 33.49 CFM 120 mm Fan2
Total Cost Estimate$1814.08 USD
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Enterprise Build

For teams looking to build a large storage system of ~2.1 Petabytes of storage, the estimated base price of the box with drives is ~$70,000 USD. This does not account for variable expenses including the regional costs of:

  • Power
  • Internet
  • HVAC
  • Professionals

Those looking to build an enterprise storage provider, reach out to the team for recommendations and support.

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Want to power the storage infrastructure for web3?

A Jackal Storage Provider is a dedicated web server optimized for data storage that accepts incoming files from users and creates contracts for the users to approve. These contracts last until the user either cancels them or the provider itself goes offline.

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JKL or Jackal

JKL is an inflationary token that powers the Jackal Protocol. The JKL Token has many use cases. Some of these use cases are below.

  • dApps - Applications built leveraging the Jackal Protocol, such as Jackal Storage and the RNS Marketplace, may choose to include the JKL token to expand its utility.

  • Securing the Network - As the Jackal Protocol is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Cosmos L1 blockchain, JKL can be delegated to validators to secure the network and earn JKL rewards. Otherwise known as staking or bonded tokens.

  • Transaction Fees - Transactions on the Jackal Protocol must be paid for using JKL. As the protocol is PoS, the cost of transactions is inexpensive.

  • Governance - Staked tokens grant on-chain governance participation within the Jackal Protocol to vote on text, software, spend, and other governance proposals.

  • Collateral - The JKL token can act as collateral for validators, storage providers, and other smart contract use cases.

  • Liquidity Provision - JKL can be allocated into a liquidity pool to earn rewards.

JWL or Jewel

JWL is an L1 store-of-value token native to the Canine Blockchain. JWL tokens are immutable, meaning they can never be created, changed or destroyed. There is a finite amount of JWL that will be minted at the chain's genesis. Currently, there is no utility for the JWL token and it should be treated as such.

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The Jackal Validators are secure web servers, dedicated machines that participate in the consensus protocol by broadcasting cryptographic signatures, or votes, to agree upon the next block. Voting power is determined by the amount of staking tokens delegated by non-validators and bonded as collateral to earn a reward. These non-validators, or delegators, incur the risk of getting punished (slashed) if the delegate validator gets hacked or violates the protocol.

To set up a validator and become a contributing part of the network, read the installation instructions here

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Jackal Dashboard

What is the Jackal Dashboard?

The Jackal Dashboard is your unified experience with the Jackal and Cosmos ecosystem. From the Jackal Dashboard, users can;

  • Upload, download, and share files.
  • Access the Jackal Swap interface to swap Cosmos native tokens.
  • Register RNS names.
  • Use the RNS marketplace.
  • Host static websites.
  • Participate in Governance.
  • Delegate tokens to validators.
  • More to come!


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Keplr Wallet

The Keplr browser extension is a wallet for accessing some Jackal applications in the Cosmos ecosystem. Keplr can be used to exchange/manage JKL and other Cosmos-based tokens, participate in governance from the Jackal Dashboard, and use Jackal Storage without privacy.

To use Jackal applications with a high privacy and security posture, create a new Jackal Wallet or import private keys into a Jackal Wallet.

Set up Keplr

More information about setting up a Keplr wallet can be found in the official Keplr Documentation.

Open the Keplr extension on your browser. If you are setting up Keplr for the first time, you can either create a new account or import an existing account.

Create a new account

There are two ways to create a new Keplr account:

Most Secure

  • Mnemonic/seed phrase.


  • One-click login.

Create an account with a Seed Phrase

  1. In the initial pop-up window, choose Create New Account

    • If you have used Keplr before, click on the silhouette in the upper-right corner, then the blue box labeled Add Account, and select Create New Account.
  2. Choose to have a seed/mnemonic phrase of 24 words, and save the phrase.

  3. Enter a name for your account. This can be changed later.

  4. Once you have transcribed your 24 word seed/mnemonic phrase, click on Next

  5. To confirm the creation of the new account, click on the words on the right order in which they appear in your seed/mnemonic phrase, and press Register.

  6. If you have not used Keplr before, set a password for the Keplr extension, and click Confirm.

Import an existing account

There are several ways to import an existing account:

  • via a mnemonic/seed phrase/private key.
  • via ledger.

Import with a Seed Phrase

  1. In the initial pop-up window, choose Import Existing Account If you have used Keplr before, click on the silhouette in the upper-right corner, then the blue box labeled Add Account, and select Import Existing Account.

  2. Enter your mnemonic/seed phrase/private key in the appropriate slot, seperating the words with spaces and make sure to check they are spelled correctly.

  3. Make sure you have imported the account with the correct derivation path, viewable by clicking on Advanced.

    • Normally, the derivation path should be m/44'/…’/0/0/0, but if you see that importing the account via mnemonic on Keplr, the Cosmos Mainnet address displayed is different than yours, it is possible the derivation path ends with 1 (or another number) instead of 0.

    • If this is the case, you just have to start the process over, and replace the last 0 with 1

    • Learn more in the Keplr FAQ

  4. If you have not used Keplr before, set a password for the Keplr extension, and click Confirm.

Import with Ledger

  1. In the initial pop-up window, choose Import Ledger.

    • If you have used Keplr before, click on the silhouette in the upper-right corner, then the blue box labeled Add Account, and select Import Ledger.
  2. To complete the connection with your Ledger Nano Hard Wallet, follow the steps described in the pop-up that appears. A detailed tutorial can be found here.

  3. If you have not used Keplr before, set a password for the Keplr extension, and click Confirm.

Connecting Keplr to the Jackal Protocol

Once you are signed in to the Keplr extension, you can connect the wallet with the Jackal Protocol. Once on the Jackal Dashboard you will be prompted to connect your Keplr wallet.

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Markdown page example

You don't need React to write simple standalone pages.

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